Welcome To My New Website

Just in time for the Holidays I present to you, my 17 fans, a new, highly upgraded website and the release of my new CD/DVD “Diamond Maker.”  I believe this day will be compared to the fall of the Berlin Wall, a transformative, world changing moment, except it has take place in the world of comedy.  Twenty years from now, Thomas Friedman will cite to December 17, 2008 as a major milestone when comedy changed in his book The World Is Funny. 

In all seriousness I am very proud of the great work of Steve Axworthy helping to put together my new site and to Michael Codispoti, Jim Vern, Chris Pelletier, Brett Anderson and Danny Rouhier who helped make Diamond Maker a great product.  Buy it for you, someone you love or someone you hate.   It will be reviewed soon in Punchline Magazine so look for that as well.

I will be back soon with more cynicism and sarcasm, but today I am happy.  Sort of.