Timetable for Withdrawal

It is time for George W. Bush to follow my lead

Critics said that setting a timetable would send the wrong message to our enemies. Some said that leaving before the job was finished would leave us worse off than before. Others said 28 years to be bogged down is too long a commitment.

Well, fans of my comedy may be sorely disappointed because plans are set for a June 2007 withdrawal from my parents’ home.

I believe my situation is similar to the War in Iraq and can offer a blueprint to success and withdrawal there.

1) I began law school the same month as 9/11 and the trauma of that was justification for a lot of decisions after that. Living in a post 9/11 job market I opted out of the most sensible/lucrative approach (law firms/Afghanistan) and went into government service (government/Iraq).

2) While living at home I was expected to be greeted as liberated, but slowly began to feel occupied. Furthermore Civil War began to break out among the Irish and the Haitians (Sunni/Shiites). I was told that I could stand down when they stood up, but as they have gotten older standing up has become more difficult.

3) There comes a time when you just have to leave. I am very grateful (and don’t feel like a loser) for being able to have lived at home and saved some money since leaving school. What I am telling you, Mr. President is that even though these colors don’t run, they can move.