For Your Consideration
I am using this post to announce my candidacy for several awards in the annual ECNY Awards. The ECNY Awards are awards given out at Comix in March honoring/celebrating NY based comedians. Readers of this blog may think I’d be above and/or burned out on contests involving comedy, but how can I lose and become more bitter if I am never nominated? Please go the website below for info or go right to the nominating form:
http://www.ecnyawards.com/ (general site info)
http://www.ecnyawards.com/nomination.php (nomination form)
The categories I’d like some votes for:
1) Best Male stand up. The competition might be thinner in the female category, but I’ve been told I do not qualify despite my occasional irrational moodiness. I also think it unlikey that a comic who gets no paid work from any NY club has a chance at this, but consider a vote for me as the equivalent of voting for a grass roots third party candidate, like Ross Perot, Ralph Nader or George Wallace (courting the Western Pennsylvania and Southern vote)
![ComedyBelieveIn Maybe We Can.](https://jlcauvin.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/ComedyBelieveIn.jpg)
2) Best Short Comedic Film (feel free to nominate one or all, but my preferred order is below)
- i) An Obamacare Tale http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAyUoDEX0GE
- ii) Always Be Funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV7DkytjZxI
- iii) 24 Spoof http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmBZtya23zI
3) Best website – www.jlcauvin.com(time for all the work Steve Axworthy has done for me over the last 3 years to get some recognition.
4) Outstanding achievement in tweeting(@jlcauvin). This category may be the worst award ever and contrary to some of what you may think I probably don’t stand a chance with my 1,000+ tweets to those who exceed the 10,000 and 20,000+ tweets. But if you find my posts funny, then do the right thing.
Thanks everybody. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.