Summer is Over

27 lbs lost and counting

It is late on Labor Day and I offically begin my 3rd year as a lawyer tomorrow. And right now the day job is winning. Winning what you may ask? The war for my physical fitness. But the tide has turned in my favor.

My first year at work, people marvelled at my ability to pack away Boston Creme Donuts and “not show it.” I was still getting to the gym and keeping my weight between 245 and 255.

Year two was the equivalent of the NBA strike of several years ago and my frame was Shawn Kemp. I ballooned. By March of 2006 I was 284 lbs (it is true – being single is better for fitness). But the Good Lord blessed me at 6’7″ so I did not look like a heart attack case, but just burly. But I was pushing my wardrobe to the limit. Sweatpants and my “big” suits were all I was wearing. It was pathetic.

I then made a decision in April to start running and lifting and eating healthier. And low and behold it has worked. Today I tipped the scales at 257 lbs. My goal by New Year’s is 240 lbs. No pills, no supplements, no special workout. And yes, no John Basedow.

A few other things you should now for the coming weeks:

1) I will be giving a day-to-day update for the next two weeks as I prep and compete in the Boston Comedy Festival.

2) The Wire is my favorite show and anyone who thinks that 24, The Shield, The Sopranos or anything else is better is objectively wrong.

3) I didn’t have much to write about so I figured my 4 pack abs were in need of some newly earned credit.