My Audition at Gotham

Well last night I had my audition for Live at Gotham, the Comedy Central Show featuring up and coming comics at Gotham Comedy Club.

Some highlights:

1) A new joke I have been working on about how my Mom and Dad met killed. I was very happy.

2) I only said 1 “pussy,” 1 “bitch” and I “fu-k” or “sh-t” (I cannot remember which one). I believe that was clean enough.

3) I would grade it out for me as an A- (although I obviously wanted an A). Not a bad grade


1) My United 93 joke was not as strong as it needed to be although it did get some laughs. Writing has already occurred to improve this one.

2) My line “I don’t support the troops, but I support the war” I was informed by Comedian Tim Young that this was a line made infamous by Bill Hicks on Letterman some years back. I obviously did not know this and now have to figure how to work the intro line to a bit of mine. Or say – Bill Hicks is dead and I came up with it on my own.

3) I was getting heckled by some patrons and went on a tirade on them. I informed them that 100 years ago they would have been swinging from a tree with pitchforks in their asses. I then proceeded to call them Nig–rs several times and tell them that I wasn’t scared of them. I don’t know what was worse, the fact that that probably cost me the audition or that the people heckling me were Asian.

Either way I am happy for the opportunity and I hope that I get to do the show. If not it could be worse, right Kramer?

Quick movie reviews:

For Your Consideration – really bad. Best in Show seems really long ago watching this movie. C-/D+ (John Michael Higgins stops it from being lower)

Casino Royale – Bond on Steroids – good stuff B+

Tomorrow – Tenacious D. There is a reason Jack Black is one of my MySpace heroes.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.