Law School Reunion
Technically a Law Center Reunion
This weekend is a busy weekend for me. I’m going to the Steelers game in Pittsburgh with my brother on Sunday, which alone would make for an eventful weekend. However, before then I will have embarked on a two day return to Georgetown University Law Center (GULC) for the 5 year Reunion.
My law school career basically began with 9/11, which I think should have been an early warning to me that I was making a wrong choice. Half way through law school, and seriously contemplating quitting (rather than a glass half full/half empty perspective at the mid point of law school I had more of a “this glass sucks” perspective), I discovered stand up comedy. After that law school was a breeze. Whenever a class was boring I just took out a notebook and began writing towards whatever bar or hotel open mic I was doing that night. Oddly enough, my grades were inversely proportional, semester to semester, to the effort I exerted academically. That’s right kids – when in doubt; don’t try.
So now it’s time to re-visit that time, like attending a War Memorial with fellow soldiers, except slightly less traumatic. And like old soldiers with Alzheimer’s and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I will probably look at several people whose faces I recognize, but cannot recall their names. I will have more interesting stories than most, having two legal jobs and a new career since I graduated with dishonor, but will also be expecting most 6th year associates to pick up the lion’s share of the bar tabs.
I think the anticipated questions I will get by demographic at Reunion:
Married Men – So, how cool is stand up comedy on the road? Cool, except when they pay me.
Married Men with kids – So do you fu-k a lot of chicks on the road? Truthfully – not at all. (but if it’s someone I did not like in law school, “hell yeah dude – I don’t know what anybody who gets married and has kids is thinking… so how’s your family?”).
Single Men – Why aren’t you drinking more you pussy?
Married Women – So, how cool is stand up comedy on the road?
Married Women with kids – This is my son/daughter (no question – very bossy)
Single Women – Why aren’t you drinking more you pussy?