7 Years Old

This week my comedy career turns 7 years old.  On my real 7th birthday I got separated from my mother on the NYC subway system for about an hour, so I guess this week I will have to do the adult equivalent and fall asleep on a train for an hour, waking up in an unfamiliar neighborhood.

To prove how far I have come my first spot was at a Jazz Club open mic (Takoma Station Tavern) in D.C. where the host, a man named “Skeeba,” talked most notably about how “titty sweat” was like buttermilk.  Tonight I will perform 8 minutes at a pub near my house in NYC hosted by a female comedian who does not talk about titty sweat.  Dreams really do come true.

Happy Birthday Comedy Career.

  • brian

    happy birthday JL

  • brian

    happy comedy birthday

  • Abbi Crutchfield

    Congrats! Off to make titty sweat biscuits.

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