Women Deserve Equal Treatment

So what’s the big problem with female circumcision in Egypt?

Genitals are all the rage right now. I am off to see Eastern Promises tonight, the critically acclaimed film staring Naomi Watts and Viggo Mortenson’s johnson (if you have read the reviews – apparently there is an intense fight scene where Aragorn is completely nude and it lasts like 4 minutes). Naturally my girlfriend has begun referring to the movie as the nude movie and now wants to see it.

Then there is the new HBO show, “Tell me You Love Me,” that features hard core sex, but set to more realistic themes than pizza deliveries and plumbing emergencies. I have not seen it yet because of economic sanctions that have precluded HBO from my residence. Understand that by January 4, 2008 (The Wire Season 5 premiere) there will be a revolt if there is no HBO.

And now completing this is the article in today’s New York Times about female circumcision in Egypt. In the process, the clitoris is removed from women, which of course reinforces the idea in the Middle East that female orgasms do not exist. We in the civilized west understand that they exist and happen about once every three months.

Now men have been having circumcisions for centuries. Some religions even make them public and serve food afterward. So it is about time that this practice be extended to women. Uproar occurred from traditionalists in Egypt when the practice was banned by the Have-their-cake-and-eat-it-too feminazis in Egypt when a 13 year old girl died during the process. They have also called it by the alarmist title of “Female Genital Mutilation.” Hey, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Which is why I suggest taking all Egyptian men and circumcising them at 13 years old. Then we will be able to see how much longer this practice continues. And to you Middle East scholars who may have read more than Thomas Friedman, Lawrence Wright and today’s NY Times’ article and wish to inform me that they do that already (which I highly doubt), then I would say no wonder there are so many angry people in that region.