What To Give Up For Lent

Well today is Ash Wednesday so it’s time to give something up and dust off my Lent joke.  The question is what to give up?

My first thought was movies.  This would be a a nice sacrifice, given how many movies I watch.  But hanging on my bulletin board is a ticket to Watchmen on March 6th, smack dab in the middle of Lent.  So movies are out.  And so, apparently, is giving up being a loser.

Other things like sex, drugs and kiddie porn can’t really count because they are things you are not supposed to be doing anyway (a real flaw with the Josh Hartnett vehicle 40 days and 40 nights).

Comedy was actually something I thought about – it would give me time to pursue other activities, perhaps do some chartiable work or travel.  But then i realized that comedy seems to have given up on me, so me giving up comedy would be like saying you are going to break up with a girl 4 years after she already dumped you.

Sweets and desserts are too cliche. 

Television – my HD DVR would overflow very quickly because of how much memory HD American Idol and HD The Big Bang Theory take up.

So I was left with a rather mild choice – alcohol.  No drinks until some Sacramental wine at Easter.  Cue me looking like Frank the Tank getting wine – “It’s so good when it touches your lips – FILL IT UP AGAIN!”  And fortunately the 30th birthday is after Easter.