“We could really use a terrorist attack right now.”

And other things Eliot Spitzer is thinking right now.

When my friend e-mailed me a link to the story about Eliot Spitzer I actually thought it was big joke. Unreal.

How interesting that as one wire ends (last night the greatest show ever made, The Wire, ended in classic, bittersweet fashion) a new wire captures America (as with most forms of pop culture, this one features a white cast so its ratings will be much higher).

Doesn’t Eliot Sptizer know that he is not a hateful Evangelical Christian? Only they get caught in hypocritical crap like this.

I am already certain that my father, who is an ardent Spitzer supporter and imaginitive conspiracy theorist (Bush is behind 9/11 and winning lottery numbers can be predicted) is already saying that the Republican establishment set him up to deter a 2012 or 2016 run at the White House. But clearly the Republicans are not involed because there was no mention of homosexuality or interacial sex.

And could Spitzer have picked a worse time to do this? People are getting bored with the Presidential race because the next big primary is in 6 weeks, 10,000 BC was #1 a the Box Office and troops keep dying in Iraq. In other words, nothing is holding America’s attention right now except for Mr. Spitzer’s booty call. So Spitzer has only one potential ally at this point: Osama Bin Laden, the deus ex machina for scandal ridden politicians

Gary Condit benefitted from this. If you remember, Gary Condit was the representative from California who may have gotten away with murdering his intern Chandra Levy. Well, no one seemed to care much about Gary Condit after 9/11. So in these dark times the only way Eliot Spitzer does not eat a big bag of crap is if times get even darker. Fortunately Osama Bin Laden and his cousin Barack HUSEIN Obama are still on the loose. Unfortunately for Spitzer, George Walker Texas Ranger Bush has kept us safe all this time so it looks like it’s going to be a rough go for Spitzer. As Arnold Schwarzenegger proved – you act like a sexual deviant and pervert before you get elected governor, not after.