Tragic Night in Entertainment

I saw Vantage Point, Juno Won an Award and Omar is Dead

On a day when Hollywood honors its best achievements I accidentally went for cinematic irony. I went to see this weekend’s #1 film, Vantage Point. My vantage point is that it is one of the worst 15 films I have evern seen. it confirmed my opinion that Forrest Whitaker has some rare nerve disease that forces his droppy, Shrek-like face to convey 8-9 emotions per second. His performance was so bad that he really should consider giving his Oscar back. Forrest Whitaker with an Oscar bothers me almost as much as the fact that Antoine Walker has an NBA Championship.

It is already this year’s front runner for the Beolwulf/Alpha Dog award as J-L’s worst movie.

Then I tuned in to the Oscars. I was hoping that Juno would not win any awards. Unfortunately, it won best original screnplay. No shock, this cheerful film about the light-hearted quirkiness of teen pregnancy was written by a former stripper (she did not look very hot – perhaps she was just a 25 cent booth stripper). Perhaps Eastern promises would have been quirky and witty if it had been written by a pregnant 16 year old.

So with two strikes on the evening to the entertainment world, the third strike and biggest blow was delivered when I watched The Wire episode I taped (yes I am out of the TiVo world and back into the VCR timer world). In the episode Omar Little, one of the most original characters in television history was shot in the back of the head by a 12 year old. Other than Jimmy McNulty Omar is probably the character most identified with the greatest show ever made. I cried myself to sleep yelling, “Why couldn’t it have been Juno? WHY???”