There Will Be Blood

And after that there will be no more movies.

I have not seen a movie since I saw a 10:45 am show of There Will Be Blood on December 26th (if you are wondering it was pretty crowded, but mostly with people who eat dinner at 4 pm and remember the Model T). My fiancee asked me if I was going to be ok having not seen a movie in a month and if I was attending MA meetings. I then said (or thought) those in The Hills and The Real World houses should not throw stones.

It is fitting that There Will Be Blood was the last movie I saw, a film about a greedy capitalist turned misanthrope. It is unclear to me which happened first, his ambition for money or his hatred of humanity, but by the end of the film it was clear that he had both.

On a totally and completely unrelated note I have been working well past midnight every other day of the week. That does provide me with alternative forms of entertainment, like the 2 train on a Thursday early morning. There are people talking to themselves, the occasional harlot, a gang member or two (or men who really enjoy the color red) and several dozen Central and South American workers trying to avoid ruining our country as they return home after what is most likely their second job of the day. And a 6’7″ guy with eyes that are starting to resemble John Kerry’s reading a Pete Maravich biography.

Tonight I was supposed to see Cloverfield, but that plan evaporated around 10 am today. I guess there are life changes that cause you to readjust your lifestyle. And then there are changes that cause you to realize you have no life. I feel bad for those losers.

There Will Be Litigation hits theaters December 2011.