The Last Temptation of Joe The Plumber

Debate #3

Well, now the only Joe not mentioned in this campaign has been Joe Millionaire (who I hear will be endorsing a candidate any day). First there was Joe “Judas” Lieberman, then there was Joe Six Pack and last night 45 minutes of the debate were spent trying to appeal to Joe The Plumber.

This last debate reminded me of the first Rocky film and not just because there was an articulate black man and a dumb white guy involved. This was the fight Apollo needed to fight – the better, classier fighter needed to stay away from Balboa. But he ignored his managers advice and got clobbered by Balboa (even though Apollo “won,” Rocky really won and would take the title in the next 14 films).

Unfortunately Obama employed that strategy too well. I think he acted exactly as he should have, but it bored me. Instead of going for the knockout Obama is content to win debates on point count. For example do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be president, the answer is, “I don’t think she’s qualified to babysit my kids, let alone lead the most powerful country in the world.”

Or throw in snide comments about John McCain “forgetting” things. And when McCain started referring to pro abortion people, Obama should have been more forceful in saying that it is pro choice, not pro abortion, unless my Facebook group “Comedians who don’t care about choice but are definitely pro abortion” has a lot more members than I thought.

Well, last night my Obama-Biden t-shirt arrived. Let’s hope I don’t have to put it with my Gore-Lieberman and Kerry-Edwards t shirts in a couple of weeks.

And if you want to throw your support behind a charismatic, articulate, half-black guy, but cannot wait until Election Day – COME TO MY CD RECORDING THIS SATURDAY