The Depaaaahhhhhhhhhted

My Top 2006 movies (so far)

So this weekend I saw the DEpaaaaahhhhhted, the new Scorsese movie with a bunch of A-list actors. Very good movie. It took me a while to stop being annoyed with everyone’s Boston accent. Not because they weren’t good, but because most of them were good. I cannot stand that accent.

Things I appreciated in the movie:

1) Good guys and bad guys use the N-word. Apparently Robert Parrish and Jim Rice could not change everything in Boston

2) Marky Mark’s character, when he is grilling Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, accuses him of having both a “southie accent” and a prep school accent. I went to college with approximately 100 people who could be accused of this very thing – no offense friends.

3) I like The Aviator, but it is good to see Martin Scorsese get back to gangster type films. However, he will never win an Oscar until he goes and does one last great movie with DeNiro. It would be like Malone winning a championship without Stockton or Owen Wilson doing a funny movie without Ben Stiller or Vince Vaughn. So Marty – if you want an Oscar – do a gangster film with Bobby.

During the movie the film reel burned up (20 minutes left in the movie). There was a 25 minute delay fixing it, but we all got free tickets, which I will use to see Man of the Year.

Here is my updated list of top movies of 2006:

1) United 93. I did not see this in the theater because I prefer my tragic, too-soon disaster films to have stars, which is why I saw World Trade Center in the theater. But I rented it from Netflix and this movie is tremendous. I don’t think it will get nominated, but this movie was nearly perfect.

2) The Depaaaaahhhhhhted. I enjoyed this movie a lot. Despite the accents

3) Invincible. I assume you 5 reading this have seen my praise for this movie already. This also makes Marky Mark the front runner for entertainer of the year on my blog. He is also strong in The Depaaaahhhhhhted.

4) Cars. Pixar is great.

5) ????? I cannot think of any other movies that I have seen this year worthy of consideration.

On the horizon:

1) Flags of Our Fathers. Great Book being put to the screen by director Clint Eastwood, producer Steven Spielberg and write Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby). Can’t miss. Ryan Phillipe as the lead character. Ryan Phillipe’s next role should be in the Justin Timberlake story.

2) The Prestige. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman with Scarlet Johanson. Directed by Memento/Batman Begins guy. Movie about rival magicians. This will be the first time in history that magic is cool.

3) Babel. This is from the director of 21 Grams (really good movie) and Amores Perros – a foreign movie a friend of mine told me to watch, which was also pretty good. This movie could also be the break out role for that guy Brad Pitt.

4) Man of the Year – Robin Williams as comedian running for president. And he doesn’t even have a law degree from Georgetown.

I am sure there is other stuff coming out, but I feel like October movies are going to bring the Oscar stuff. Oh yeah – I am also going to see the new Forrest Whitaker movie about Idi Amin. I hate Forrest Whitaker and his droopy eye, but the reviews have been really good for his movie so we’ll see.