The Democratic Convention – Day 3

I was only able to start watching when John Kerry began speaking… did I miss anyone important?

So thanks to comedy mics last night I managed to miss all of Bill Clinton’s speech. I have seen snippets this morning and everyone seems to think it was strong (it’s Bill Clinton) so I’ll take their word for it.

I actually like John Kerry’s speech. Everyone keeps criticizing John Kerry for being a terrible candidate and running a terrible campaign, but to me apathy and fear are what cost him the 2004 election. People were fearful of terror and did not care that 2004 would be the true election of consequence (Katrina, recession and 3,000+ dead in Iraq since the 2004 re-election of George Bush). I say apathy because until people’s wallets were affected in their homes and at the gas pumps no one gave a fu-k about the direction the country was going in. Going to hell in a hand basket is fine as long as it is a nice hand basket. So Obama may say the time for change is now, but it really was 4 years ago and it should not have taken a guy who gives great speeches and text messages his supporters for us to know this.

I am a big Joe Biden fan and I thought the highlight that I saw was Beau Biden’s introduction of his father. It almost restored my faith that there may be some genuinely good people in political power. What a story.

So tonight all eyes on Barack Obama. The question will be whether we see John F. Kennedy or Dane Cook (in either case the fans go crazy, but one says something to move the country in the right direction, the other says nothing). If Barack Obama says “IN THE FACE” I’m voting for McCain.