The Democratic Convention – Day 2

Did anyone catch Dennis Kucinich?

So last night was the big night of the convention. I only caught three speeches throughout the night: Dennis Kucinich, Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana and Hillary Clinton. I’m glad I saw all three.

Dennis Kucinich is a strange little man from Ohio, but every year he manages to say the things (UFO’s being the exception) and express the outrage that people should feel. I think people who are not far left Democrats like to treat him like he’s bat-sh*t crazy because if he is not then we are all apathetic and complicit in the last 8 years of corporate malfeasance, environmental degradation and corrupt foreign and domestic policy. His speech was very “red meat” as they have been saying on CNN – ironic since he’s a vegan (maybe that is why nobody listens to him).

Brian Schweitzer of Montana gave a passionate environmentally themed speech. I had to turn up the volume on my energy consuming HDTV because my air conditioning was going on full blast, but I liked what he had to say. He sort of looked more like a coach who wanted to be pacing around a room, rather than a politician at a podium. But it was good stuff.

Then came Hillary. There is only one thing I think she could have done better than she did. She should have said flat out to her supporters, “If you care about me and my causes and are a loyal supporter than the only way to really prove it is to vote for Barack Obama because if you stay home or vote for McCain then you cannot truly call yourself my supporter.” I think there are some supporters who, short of that direct a challenge personally to their Clinton loyalty, may still sit this one out or vote for McCain. People talk about the right to choose being big on women’s minds and why McCain will not get lots of Democratic women, but the group most loyal to Hillary would require the archangel Gabriel to get pregnant. Other than that I thought her speech was strong and I liked the video they played before. As James Carville (he looks like an alien, but his analysis – albeit biased – I think has been right on about the Clinton bashing) put it – Hillary has set the table, but Barack must finish the job, or some mixed metaphor like that.

Tonight it’s Bill and Biden. Can’t wait.