The Day The Movies Died

It has gotten so bad that I am considering buying a PS3

Today I saw the new Indiana Jones film. As my friend and fellow comic Jim Dodge said, “In this one, Indy digs up his own bones.” This film was really stupid. It makes Iron Man, a mediocre flick with Robert Downey Jr channeling Vince Vaughn, look like Oscar material. The problem with Indiana Jones is that watching the film I actually thought – wow – they stole that from the Mummy. I’m sure Harrison Ford is happy to see that his career is now taking cues from Brendan Fraser’s.

But this is all but a prelude to Black Friday – May 30, 2008. Sex and the City arrives and apparently so do hundreds or thousands of women to the city who will be watching the movie in the city. Now I never dressed up for a Star Wars or Lord of the Rings film, but I imagine this is the female equivalent. “Oh my God, we so have to be in New York City to watch this film. Theaters in DC, Philly, Connecticut and New Jersey are going to be so lame compared to theaters in NYC.”

Perhaps if these two groups got together, the geeks that dress up for Harry Potter and the women that come to this city to get the real “SATC” experience, they could have children so confused that they do not turn films into bigger events than they are. Sadly these groups are pop culture’s answer to Palestine and Israel: they will never settle their differences. Can’t they see that they are both losers?

What is a movie addict to do? I already have The Departed and Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny committed to memory so it would be nice for Hollywood to stop the flow of crap. Oh wait – Kung Fu Panda and The Hulk are opening in the next two weeks. Phew!