Casino Royale
After a tough start to the comedy week things have been looking up. First, my dust-up with PMSports.com has been resolved in a favorable fashion (I will be paid and have been told that it was an accidental oversight). Second, I got to feature at the Turning Stone Casino in Verona, NY on Wednesday.
Last year I emceed a show at Turning Stone in December. The show was in a theater that held several hundred people, and with an audience of twenty-three it was near capacity. It was like having sex with Madonna – you are in the space, but if feels cavernous and lonely.
Well after a 4 1/2 hour drive up to the Casino, through 3 brief snowstorms, I arrived to find us performing in a much smaller venue. The crowd was about 40, but the capacity appeared to only be about 150 so it was a much more fulfilling experience than last year. Considering that we were competing directly with Kenny Rogers at the same casino I think we did pretty well. After the show a couple was kind enough to pick up the tab for me at the casino bakery because they thought I was hilarious. Or they were swingers. Either way it was a rewarding evening.
Special thanks to Mr. Hunt, father of my friend and college teammate Matt Hunt, who made it out to the show. As a resident of nearby Clinton, NY Mr. Hunt’s attendance proved the virtue of having spent a quarter of a million dollars on a B.A. and a law degree – friends and friendlies all over the country to make lightly attended shows slightly less lightly-attended.