Kobe Beef
Last night I watched the Boston Celtics get out-hustled and out-played by the Los Angeles Lakers. As if it wasn’t enough to see Kobe Bryant have a solid game I was forced to swallow my own vomit several times as I watched Sasha Vujacic and Jordan Farmar make quality contributions. Rumor has it in the off-season they will be filming a buddy cop flick called Euro Trash and Shrek Ears. But as much as Kobe has played the villain in my NBA story for the last 4 years, last night it got personal. Because of the Laker victory, they will now play Game 7 on Thursday, my first night in Atlanta at The Punchline.
The Punchline is a big club and a chance for me to atone with Southern audiences for a minor debacle in Birmingham last Summer.
Backstory – Last Summer I featured at The Stardome, a huge club owned by some nice people. 6 of the seven shows went somewhere in the B- to B+ range, but one show, the Saturday show led to only the second time I have been boo’d on stage (the other time being Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn – a disgrace to higher education and the Civil Rights’ Leader’s memory, whose student attendees thought it was “boo every comedian that dares step on stage – like Amateur Night at The Apollo, without the credit of The Apollo. To put it in television analogies – if my comedy career was the show Homicide – Medgar Evers College would be Adeena Watson). I said nothing offensive at The Stardome – I was just neither BET nor rednecky enough for the racially diverse, intellectual bottom feeders that occupied a few of the tables at the club that night.
So going to Atlanta was to be a bit of redemption for me and I actually booked the gig on the strength of my Always Be Funny/Glengary Glen Ross spoof video, which also restored my faith that YouTube was not entirely useless for my career.
But then the Lakers won because they seemed to finally discover that Rajon Rondo has the jumpshot of Shaquille O’Neal. So that means Thursday night’s show will be empty of just about all basketball fans. Now my routine has very fewbasketball references in it, but there is a correlation between people who are aware of basketball and people who enjoy my comedy. Those people will not be there Thursday because Kobe & Co. won. So who is going to be there Thursday night? Southern comedy fans who do not like basketball. Hmmmmmm, I just hope after the show I don’t have to tell anyone, “In New York they call me Missssster Cauvin!”
But the obvious point is that Kobe Bryant is to blame. (I just wish LeBron James was at Game 6 and walked up to Kobe a la Maximus to Commodus in Gladiator and said, “The Time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end.” Because Kobe should know that when the LeBron James era will begin the moment LeBron gets a teammate(s) that is/are not terrible or fu*king his Mom…
Sidebar – For those of you that do not know – LeBron James mother is rumored (strong rumors) to have slept with LeBron’s bipolar, shotgun-carrying teammate Delonte West. However, not a word has been uttered on this by ESPN , which is rather frightening. My theory is that ESPN has marching orders from Nike not to say another word (what would ESPN be without Nike athletes and Nike advertising dollars?). The story was discussed all over the Internet and on The Huffington Post, but not a peep from the premier sports news network in the world about one of the 10 most famous athletes on the planet? Just makes you think if people including “The People’s Sports Reporter” Bill Simmons a/k/a The Sports Guy can be silenced (he gave a token – “absolutely false” comment on the story even though when I was in Cleveland everyone seemed to believe the story) by corporate titans (my friend Mike told me this has all the makings of a Michael Mann sports themed sequel to The Insider), what chance is there that news isn’t corrupted all the time by even bigger corporations (obviously it is). And if you think this has nothing to do with sports – LeBron James disappeared against the Celtics after the rumors started flying, so unlike Tiger Woods’ Blasian fallace, LeBron’s story actually has sports-related salaciousness.
Back to Kobe- Is there anything more absurd than Kobe’s wife and future stripper daughters (when your Mom is a hot gold digger and your Dad is a wealthy rapist aren’t your employment prospects limited psychologically?) standing in the tunnel at halftime to greet him with adoration before he goes into the locker room? “Look Nike and McDonald’s I am done with the butt rape and the cheating because here is my family right here. But at the same time I am so driven to win that I take time out of halftime to greet my family?” Anyone else’s wives or girlfriends meeting them in the tunnel? Did Michael Jordan have Juanita waiting at halftime? No – he was too busy thinking about winning and killing the other team. Now he might have had sex with his opponent’s wife in the tunnel as a competitive advantage, but he would never waste time to kiss his own wife mid-game.
So now for this horsesh*t I have to see potential fans not show up tot he first show in Atlanta. It looks like me and the Celtics are going to have to put in a strong effort Thursday to make sure Kobe does not win. Odds are the Celtics will have a tougher time than me.