The Weekend of Melissa, Lebron and Stannis
I gave a positive review of a Melissa McCarthy movie. I was rooting against Lebron while it seems most people I know are now rooting for him. Comedians were on social media criticizing Stannis Baratheon (Game of Thrones SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) for using his child to advance his career. Any one of those things in a decade would be enough to justify me writing a post (first one in just under a month – I believe a record for lack of productivity for me), but they all happened in the span of four days. I am not sure what to make of all these, but I need to break out of my blogless slump so here goes.
First off, last week I saw a screening of Spy with Melissa McCarthy. I thoroughly enjoyed it, which thoroughly surprised me. The critical praise has been big and the movie opened up at #1 at the box office. I offered a solid (first positive review of the Summer) and slightly shorter review than usual of the film and even posted it two days early. The result? My least watched review of the last year. The message is clear – call J-L a negative and bitter observer of entertainment… and then don’t watch when he likes a movie. Call J-L sexist… but don’t watch a glowing review of a film centered around a strong and funny female lead. That’s right critics of this critic – time for you to look in the mirror. Welp, I guess next week I will have to take a verbal dump on Jurassic World…
Then there is watching the social media reversal on Lebron James. I spent 4 years writing posts (some of which got shared a ton) and recording some podcasts defending Lebron going to Miami, but more importantly as his place as the game’s best player (I have been saying he is the best since 2007). But then something happened. After beating up on the eastern conference that everyone said sucked many more people joined the “Lebron is the best… time to recognize… I think the Warriors have no chance…” in the last few weeks, which feels insane. And it all happened as Lebron began spouting insecure platitudes like a Teddy Ruxpin whose string you pull and he only says 4 phrases:
- I have to teach my team to win
- I am a leader
- I’ve been there
- It’s a process
Basically it looks like he took Rosetta Stone Erik Spoelstra during his four years in Miami and brought fluency in sports cliches to Cleveland… and the fans love it! I preferred Lebron wearing the black hat and forcing his greatness down the throats of haters. If I can give the devil his due, at least Kobe has not taken off his black hat since he put it on in 2004. But last night Lebron won me back. I still want Golden State to win, because the most important thing to me is being right and I predicted GSW in 5, but Lebron won me back with last night’s performance. I am not talking about his inefficient, but stat sheet stuffing performance. Rather I am talking about his explosion of exuberant rage at the conclusion of the game and the fact that he was too tired and drained to spew cliches in the post game interview. I loved that! He got away with several travels in the game, but he was hacked badly so bad late in the game that the ref should have blown a rape whistle that I enjoyed seeing him enraged with happiness (possible album title for me?). I hope Lebron keeps it up so no matter who wins I can be happy. But if he starts mentioning his own leadership again I will slide back firmly into Golden State’s camp. But to the morons on social media (majority of people): Lebron is and has been the best. Him defeating the Hawks with a shitty cast should not have been what pushed you over the edge. Nor should 4 Finals appearances with the Heat. He has been the best individual player since 2007. But to the knee jerkers who also will inevitably start calling Steph Curry a bust or not great if he fails to win the title – The Warriors are a great team. Not a very good one. A great one. And Steph Curry is a top 5 player in the NBA. Just facts. Anything else regarding Lebron, the Warriors and Curry is open for conversation, but the respective greatness of those three parties is not.
But the biggest moment in entertainment for me this weekend was episode 9 of Game of Thrones this weekend. I have always identified with Stannis Baratheon. If you don’t know who he is, see if my description of him sounds familiar. He is an angry and dark person, who is generally right about his career but has not attained his goal yet. His goal is to be King because he is the rightful heir to the throne. And last night (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) he had his daughter, who he loves, burned alive because it will likely give him the power to succeed at war. Apart from my horror all I could think was, if only I had a daughter… is that what Comedy Central execs are looking for?
But of course the social media reaction, including from comedians, was pretty much universal condemnation. Huh? The community that exploits pics of their kids for laughs and likes across the Internet is mad at Stannis for simply using his kid the way the Native American uses the buffalo? You use all of it or it is a waste. I, for one, am doubling down on my support of Stannis. Sure you don’t like his attitude or his methods, but he is the rightful king and it can’t be an easy choice to torch your daughter so at least no one can tell him that he isn’t working hard enough. Perhaps if it doesn’t work though Stannis’ next course of action will be to secure management. OK, maybe I made this a little too personal.
In other news, this week’s podcast will go up Wednesday because this Tuesday is the launch of my new video 12 Years A Bringer.
For more opinions, comedy and bridge burning check out the Righteous Prick Podcast on iTunes and/or STITCHER. New Every Tuesday so subscribe for free!