King James & Court Jester Cauvin
I am off to Cleveland tomorrow for the next 10 days and do not know if I will have WiFi so I may have to just write a giant Cleveland Recap when I return. Here are all the pertinent things you need to know in my absence:
I am taking an 11 hour, 55 minute Greyhound trip out to Cleveland. This should be a piece of cake after my 17 hour, 35 minute trip from Detroit to NYC via Greyhound a few weeks ago. Total cost – $50.
I have been warned by the manager of the Cleveland, one of the most up front and funny managers I have encountered (I think Lou Brown from Major League would play him in a movie) to hit these folks hard and often (not as much story telling) because the Cleveland crowds are… from Cleveland (my words).
During my two day lay off in between gigs I will be attending a Cleveland Cavaliers game, spending a majority of my travel savings on a ticket (but I did pass on a courtside seat).
The apartment I am staying at is 1.5 miles from a gym and a movie theater. Over/under on total trips to these two establishments is 9.
I return on a 13 hour Amtrak – cost $67. Being surrounded by comatose and obese people avoiding the TSA – priceless.
And one piece of advice to comics in NYC pondering an open call for any comedy contests, go to the one at Comix on January 29th. It is run by Josh Filipowski and Bryan Kennedy and is run in an egalitarian fashion. It may suffer from the failings inherent in any contest, but at least they have demonstrated the integrity to not use comedians as a visual prop to falsely exalt the status of already pre-selected (but unannounced) comics. But if you want that, there will be other competition “open calls” soon.