The Top Ten Of The Summer
Summer Movies, Had Me a Blast
The Summer film season kick off was Wolverine, which was the worst thing not named Swine Flu, Paul Blart or Blue Dog Democrats to emerge this year. Fortunately, the rest of the Summer with a few exceptions, turned out to be pretty damn good. Although I was pleased with last Summer’s movies, especially The Dark Knight, I think this year’s were overall stronger. Here’s my top 10 if you want any recommendations before heading back to school, work or prison:
1. Up – Amazing and touching Pixar film about an old man who is too busy having an adventure to complain about Obama’s death panels.
2. District 9 – The most creative movie of the year and probably going to get a Best Picture nomination now that the Academy can nominate ten movies. In short it is about an alien who lands in Africa who is harassed by locals when they begin claiming he was born in Hawaii.
3. Bruno – People were mixed on this – whether they liked it or hated it. I thought it was brilliant and more daring that Borat. So what if the only redeeming message was that the only thing more gross/funny to watch than gay male sex is angry, homophobic rednecks and disgustingly ambitious L.A. parents; it was all absurdly hilarious.
4. Drag Me To Hell – This film was gross, creepy and hilarious. And like Joan Rivers – it was all intentional (have soem Comedy Central Roast people). I probably enjoyed this movie more than any others this Summer.
5. The Hurt Locker – Interesting and tense movie about a guy who diffuses IEDs in Iraq and seems to like it. They are talking Oscar potential for this one, but my guess is because it is not political enough and because Sean Penn is not blowing anybody, its chances are not that high that it will be remembered in February 2010.
6. The Hangover – This will be remembered as the comedy of the year and the film that finally made Las Vegas a destination for young men to go party.
7. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – I thought this was the best adaptation from the books and Alan Rickman does more with little dialogue than anyone I’ve ever seen. But I wish one of Potter’s classmate’s name’s was Joseph Takagi.
8. Public Enemies – I was disappointed by this film, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t good. Oddly enough I thought Johnny Depp was the weakest part of the film – stick to playing weirdos and heartthrobs.
9. Star Trek – This movie surprised me in that it did not suck. In fact it was pretty good. Of course I found it strange that the Beastie Boys’ Sabotage was still relevant centuries later (I do not equate Mike D as the Mozart of the 2300s), but it was well done by JJ Abrams and company.
10. Terminator Salvation – Fu-k you, I enjoyed it. The second half of the film made the first half make a lot more sense and seem relevant and I actually hope they make a fifth and final one.
The only thing left for me to see this Summer will be Inglourious Basterds. If it is amazing I will make note of it, but more than likely it will just annoy me.