Golden Globe Breakdown
It should go without saying that I have some issues with today’s Golden Globe nominations. We will keep this between the best picture and best televisions show categories.
Best Picture – Drama
The Descendants – agree, one of my favorite movies of the year.
The Ides of March – agree, one of my favorites.
The Help – A good movie, but a best picture nominee? Oh right, this year’s white guilt/white power entry (admittedly much better than The Blind Side). Absolutely not a best pic nominee.
Moneyball – a good movie, went long though. This is the “thank God they did not nominate Drive” slot. I would not have nominated it, but it was solid for the most part.
War Horse – haven’t seen it yet. Not out yet.
Hugo – bored me to fu*king tears, but it is a movie by Martin Scorsese and is masturbation material for cinephiles. Might be the most overrated movie of the year. I fell asleep. Only the second time in my life that happened,
BESY DRAMA SNUBS – Thank God Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was not nominated (who knew the spy world was so fu*king dry and boring). The only movie I really loved that is not nominated in this category was Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I know it had no chance, but the movie was great (I thought it might have a shot at a District 9 type nomination)
Best Comedy Picture
This is the category that the Globes force every movie they want nominated into the category.
50/50 – one of my top 5 movies of the year up to this point. Really good movie and very respectable choice
Bridesmaids – a good comedy, but in the year of “Females Can Be Funny” articles this is a no brainer. My only complaint on this one was that many of the jokes were over done (i.e. 4 punchlines – hilarious, 7 punchlines – diminishing returns). No beef with the nomination (though in my reivew you will see me bash the preview for Warrior, which turned out to be really good)
The Artist – will see this and will definitely win based on all the buzz
My Week With Marilyn – have not sen it. Will see it. Not a comedy or musical. Foreign press is stupid.
Midnight In Paris – a nice movie, but pales in comparison to Woody Allen’s bleaker views of humanity (it is no Annie Hall on the comedy scale and it is definitely no Crimes and Misdemeanors – my favorite Woody Allen flick).
SNUBS – Where the fu*k is Crazy Stupid Love?!! My favorite comedy of the year. Great heart, great comedy, great performances, not a dull moment. One of the best movies of the year.
Game of Thrones – second best show on television – damn right!
Boardwalk Empire – no problem here
Boss – this is the show with Kelsey Grammer on Starz. No idea, but someone should penalize Kelsey Grammer for Frasier – the most overrated comedy of all time. Apparently he plays a corrupt mayor with cancer – ahem I guess they won’t forget the best show with a guy with cancer, right? Or did they pick the wrong show with a terminally ill lead?
Homeland – everyone is masturbating to this not-quite-early 24 Showtime show. A great premise but episodes have been hit and miss for me and Clare Danes is a shit actress (her bug eyes have been vying for an Emmy every second she is on camera). The show is not bad, but I think people are a little too gaga for it.
American Horror Story – had no interest in this, but will catch up on it – I have heard good things.
SNUBS – Where the fu*k is Breaking Bad? Golden Globes never nominated The Wire, so you are in good company BB. The best show on television by an Usain Bolt margin.
Enlightened – new HBO show – I will now do some serious On Demand watching to see if it is good
Modern Family – slipping, but still very funny – no problem
Episodes – GREAT – really really funny show on Showtime – good choice
Glee – seriously, get the fu*k out of my face – I’d gladly accept Louie in its place. 🙂
The New Girl – Zooey Deschanel is a pair of brown eyes from being homeless – I loved 500 Days of Summer so she has some credit in the bank with me, but the New Girl is not very good (the best episode by far was the pilot which had Damon Wayans Jr. – who then went to Happy Endings) – it feels like a hipster comic was asked to write a sitcom for CBS – that weird blend of quirky and crappy. There are people who Hollywood have been inexplicably trying to make a star – one is Ryan Reynolds, two is the lead actor on Hawaii Five-O and the third is Zooey. Stop it.
SNUBS – Parks and Recreation, Two Broke Girls could and should replace Glee and The New Girl. When Community is good it is great, but every third episode falls flat for me so not consistent enough.