10 Favorite Things from 2010
If there was an Oprah of bitter and tall New York City comics who are struggling just to attain the mediocre life of a working comedian, then it probably would not be me, but I might be the Gayle King of that group. So before embarking on 2011, here are my ten favorite things of 2010 (it should be no shock that Manny from Modern Family and PMSports.com did NOT make the list):
10. Gilbert Arenas. The funniest/ballsiest photo of the year (and all due respect to Louis C.K. and his legions of hip fans – this was the ballsiest thing in comedy since Stephen Colbert’s address at the White House Press Corps dinner) was snapped in the first week of January and belongs to the former Washington Wizards guard. He was facing federal gun charges and a suspension from the NBA, but that did not stop him for orchestrating a mock gunfight during player introductions. Stupid, insensitive and hilarious. Great way to kick off 2010
9. My Brett Favre Wrangler Commercial. Thanks to Comedian Nick Cobb and the rest of the cast who helped make this my most viewed clip on the web (5,000 views – not great, but I’m pleased)
Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans
Way back with people obsessed with LSU’s football team
There stood a comedy club made of earth and wood
Where telling jokes was a boy named Jean-Louis Be Goode
Who actually learned to read and write very well
But he preferred telling jokes inside a comedy hell
Go go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Jean-Louis Be Goode
He used to carry legal papers in a leather sack
Now he walks aside the roads and the railroad track
Oh, doing shi*ty southern gigs with no car
Since Ferguson wondering how he fell so far
The people watching his act would stop and say
Oh my when is the headliner gonna play
Go go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Jean-Louis Be Goode
His mother told him “Someday you will be a man,
And maybe then you’ll abandon your comedy plan
Dozens of people coming from miles around
To ignore the jokes you tell when the sun go down
Maybe someday your name will be in lights
saying “Manager on duty tonight.”
Go go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Go J-L go
Jean-Louis Be Goode
5. War. By Sebastian Junger. Phenomenal book by Vanity Fair writer who was embedded with a combat division for four months in Afghanistan. I did not make it through the documentary Restrepo, filmed by Junger at the same time he was reporting, but the book was much more riveting than the hour of the film I watched.
4. The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. During one of my several trips to Cleveland to perform this year I made a visit to this museum. I spent six hours there. That is significantly more time than I have ever spent in a museum, including school mandated sessions. Cleveland may have lost Lebron, but there will always be at least one reason to visit.
3. Inside Job and Bill Maher. I have already written how I felt Inside Job is the best movie of the year and should be required viewing in 9th grade classrooms. But equally valuable to the political discourse has been Bill Maher this past season. I am not in complete agreement with Bill Maher on everything, but this season he was absolutely brilliant. Jon Stewart gets a lot of credit, but, ever since his tirade on Crossfire where he basically pulled the bait and switch that he has also pulled on Jim Cramer (hey I’m a comedian, you’re not prepared for me the way you would normally be for a political interviewer and then WHAM! I crush you on television by coming prepared with ideas from my smarter team of writers while I make you look like a jerk on your own show!). Now Stweart is often right, but Billl Maher never tricks people – you know where he is coming from and what his agenda is from start to finish.
2. All the people (especially friends in different cities, but certainly not excluding New York City) who came out to see me perform and also gave me couches and beds to sleep on. Thanks very much. You make my meager “career” possible.
and the best thing of 2010….
1) Breaking Bad– Season 3. That is right, better than my favorite movie of the year, better than anything I made (thus defeating my own high sense of myself) and even outranking friends who have given me a place to stay while on the road is Breaking Bad. For anyone who prefers Dexter or Modern Family or The Good Wife – shut up. And I have dedicated too many words already for the pretentious who have elevated Mad Men from a solid period drama into the greatest thing ever filmed. There is a rumor that AMC has delayed the 4th season of Breaking Bad to allow John Hamm to win best actor for Breaking Bad because Bryan Cranston has won three straight. So AMC is showing who their favorite child is, but they are also tipping their hand on who the better child is. Do yourself a favor in 2011 – catch up on Breaking Bad before season 4 begins in July (I think AMC is starting from the beginning next week some time so get the DVR ready).