Rocky Mountain High
Last night completed a great set of shows at Wits End Comedy Club, just outside of Denver. I sold a career high 13 CDs over the course of the 5 shows, so now I can finally achieve that dream of paying my cable bill this month. But I have never had a streak of good shows on the road like these. And I was at this club two years ago and I did well, but it is true what bookers, club owners and evaluators of comedy talent say, both the genuine ones who really do see your potential and the lying manipulative ones who just hide behind it without giving you a fair shake – there is no substitute for time and experience as a comedian. These shows were so much better than the ones I did two years ago so it feels gratifying to have hard work pay off.
So other than seeing and feeling great improvement as a comic, here are my other highlights from my Denver trip:
- Being offered to smoke up with an attractive young lady and her friends after a show. Sorry young lady – you can take the comic out of the DA’s Office, but you can’t take the DA’s Office out of the comic.
- Having a single mom come up to me after the show and tell me how funny it was hearing my jokes about dating a single mom, while her boyfriend looked on with a look that said, “I can’t use comedy as an outlet, so how do I deal with this kid? Please help me!”
- A woman came up to me after the show and said her son;s father is black (she was white) so she found all my multiracial humor very funny. I told her that her son could now grow up to be a comic. She said, no his father left us. So I said, oh so your son could be president. She laughed.
- Denver is absolutely beautiful and is much more conducive to walking and running than say, Birmingham, Alabama. Colorado is known for being a pretty fit state and the fact that there are sidewalks and bike paths seemingly every where makes sense. Contrast that with Alabama where everyone was either pretty or fat and I did not see a sidewalk in my time there. You have to drive to cross the street there (or run across the highway like I did) whereas in Denver I was able to run 4 miles to the gym and walk almost 5 miles to a movie theater without fear of getting run over by a motor vehicle.
Looking forward to returning to NYC today, but this was a great trip. Thanks Denver and Wits End.