Man of Steele
Now every Republican has at least 1 black friend
Michael Steele, former Lt. Governor of Maryland has been chosen as the head of the Republican National Committee. He is black, which if it was not the Republican party would not be as big a deal. I just read that Steele was the man who helped popularize the chant “drill baby drill” at the Republican National Convention, or as I saw it – the environmental equivalent of the rape scene in the Accused.
But it does offer a different face for the Republican party. Coupled with the fact that Democrats are having a tough time paying taxes (Daschel, Geithner and now Killefer) it seems the political world is temporarily having its poles shifted (sort of like a friend told me would happen in 2012 based on the Myan apocalypse prophecy).
I expect the next story to come out will be that Scalia and Thomas are divorcing their wives and marrying each other.
Yes, this is a short entry – but it justifies my first line about Republicans having a black friend (I anticipate Colbert, Jon Stewart or Bill Maher to say something similar). How do I gt a joke to them?