Beantown Highlights
Two great shows in Boston at Nick’s Comedy Stop this weekend. Here are the highlights:
- Handed out about 80 courtesy cards and only found 1 on the floor/ground/surrounding trashcans. Highest ratio yet.
- Best compliment that was really disgust at my show from an older woman: “Well, good job. That was…educational.”
- Worst positive compliment I got: “That di-k in the ass joke was hilarious!”
- Most common compliment: “Great Obama!”
- Best movie I saw in Boston – The Wolfman
- Only movie I saw in Boston – The Wolfman
- Joke that garnered almost no laughter: “NBA All Star game in Dallas this weekend, which is also known as ‘the weekend where tall black men from Dallas can walk around the Dallas shopping mall without getting harassed. ‘ Don’t want a nother Oprah situation.” Nothing.
- Amount of Facebook fans from Boston added as of today: 0
My favorite moment of the trip actually occurred when I got off of Megabus at 4:30 am Sunday morning on 27th and 8th ave in NYC. There were about five police cars outside of a bar called Mustang Sallys. Many black women were yelling and shouting and several of them were walking shoeless into the 1 train station. One shouted, “Taneesha!” And the woman who I presumed was Taneesha yelled, “I don’t care! When I see that bitch I am going to fu-k her up!” I felt like Axl Rose getting off the bus in the Welcome to the Jungle video. So thanks to Taneesha for giving me a short story to end what would have been a boring bullet point list about my trip to Boston.