Suggestions For A New CD Title

“No C–try for Tall Men” appears to be the front runner

I am generally not a comic that courts controversy. I have had my run-ins with the occasional uncomfortable joke, however. My Schwarze-negger family reunion bit (which had to be retired after Chappelle’s N-I-G-G-A-R family sketch aired) is one that comes to mind. However I have generally strayed from too much cursing or too many truly offensive jokes.

Well, this Fall I will be recording my second CD. After seeling triple digits of my first one I could tell that there was a real clammoring for another J-L offering. And after reviewing my work over the last 2+ years I can see that my comedy has evolved into a huge pile of cynical, bitter awesomeness.

Now I may not come up with a final title for the CD until after the recording, but I want the title to reflect both the tenor of the CD as well be identifiable with a joke. Racial Chameleon is an easy example of that – introduced me and referenced one of my first big jokes.

So I am open to suggestions for what the title of the next one should be, but I have been fixated on “No C–try for Tall Men.” And yes because of how offensive some people find the word I have bleeped out two letters from it, rather than my customary one.

Of course there could be numerous factors weighing against me for this title and certin questions that would need to be addressed:

1) Will I get fired for such a title?

2) Will the Cohen brothers sue me?

3) Will C–ts be as outraged as when Bear Stearns went belly up?

Maybe the world is not yet ready for such commonplace usage of the C word. I was told by someone that the C word is like the N word to women, after I used the C-Word in adjective form (c–tish). That is why I am hoping that some Manhattan women use some of their hard earned hedge fund payoffs to form a rap group called CWA – C–nts With Attitude -redundant, yes) that could maybe propel the word into more mainstream usage. Then my CD title will not seem quite so controversial. Until, of course, women start informing me that I can’t use the word because I am a man.