Stupid News Stories

It has been a slow go recently for funny personal stories, so I have been finding humor in the news lately.

Among my favorite tidbits was that NY Governor David Patterson was battling glaucoma. I am not a medical doctor, nor am I an expert of the human eye, but hearing a blind guy complain about glaucoma makes me think that next week Magic Johnson will be complaining about a case of herpes.

Then Scott McClellan, former Bush propaganda director, releases a book where he – GASP acknowledges that Bush convinced himself that things were true that weren’t and that the War in Iraq was based on bullsh-t, etc. We all know that. Maybe it would have meant something if you had said it WHILE you were working for the guy and it actually could have made a small difference, instead of now just to help book sales. I feel like if Kato Kaelin came out today and said that OJ did it and he witnessed it, it would be sort of the same reaction, “Man, I wish there was a time where you could have told us that when it would have mattered. Oh well.”

And then, in today’s NY Times there was an article about women who love Sex and the City, but who are not necessarily like the women featured on the show, i.e. City, Urbane, New york TypeS). That is a strange phenomenon, women who not those types (I’ll save the acronym) who watch the show and still find these women to be role models. Sort of like Reagan Republicans who did not realize that sharing Reagan’s arcane views on race, gender, sexuality, etc. would still not make money and fairy tales come true for blue collar workers waiting for trickle down economics.

And that ends the analogy portion of today’s blog. I got nothing else. There may be a movie review coming this Monday…