Steeler Game in Pittsburgh

Maybe NFL should stand for “No Fuc-ing Life.”

Yesterday I went, for what is becoming an annual trip, to Pittsburgh with my brother and uncle for the Steeler game (playing the 49ers, my uncle’s favorite team).

Now I think most people know that San Francisco is famous for being a great city, Joe Montana, Rice a Roni and a large gay community. Apparently the Neanderthals in Pittsburgh just heard about this because every time a 49er fan went by they were branded “fuc-ing fag-ots” by any gathering of three or more Steeler fans. Walking from the parking lot to the stadium felt about three beers short of a hate crime.

How is this possible in 2007? The witty guy sitting in front of me during the game saw a 49er fan walk in wearing some sort of Cat in the Hat looking 49er hat and said “What is that from queer pride week? Heh heh”

The only thing worse than these comments is that they took place as part of a football game. Football has become America’s past time, which makes sense because it is a bunch of fat drunk has-beens or never-weres screaming obscenities at guys who players who are too far to hear. As one fan 150 rows up screamed with veins bulging that one guy “sucked” I could not help but think that that man needs to grow up and/or get a life.

For some reason football seems to bring out the worst in sports fans. I keep expecting to see a player get injured and then have the referee hold his thumb to the side waiting for the crowd to signal whether he lives or dies.

With the exception of one punch on a date in November 2006 (no she is not pressing charges) I do not overreact to sporting events. I saved that for sport video games where I have been known to break a video game or two in the past. But at least I didn’t yell slurs and epithets while doing it. Take it from a guy who lived with folks for 28 years – grow up Pittsburgh.