San Francisco Storiesssssssssss

Barry Bonds Feet and the 1st Great Movie of 2007

So one of my favorite books of the last year, Game of Shadows, is now in paperback and there has been a lot of talk on the sports radio stations of some new revelations in the paperback edition. Mainly, the fact that Barry Bonds, the testicle-less slugger for the San Francisco Giants, has seen his head, chest and feet grow remarkably over the last decade.

Now if Barry Bonds had started the decade at age 7 that would make sense. But his head has grown 3/8 of a hat size, his jersey size has gone from a 42 to a 52 and his shoe size has gone from a 10.5 to a 13 during his 30s!

You know what they say about guys with big feet – Human Growth Hormone. I actually believe that Barry Bonds began taking hormones and steroids to compete in the dating market in San Francisco. If you have ever heard him speak, he is somewhere between Richard Simmons and the flaming guy in Best in Show.

But San Francisco remains in the news with Zodiac, the movie that is being hailed as the first great movie of the year by film critics. I am excited because it is from David Fincher who directed Seven, one of my favorite films.

As I understand it the film is about a man who terrorized San Francisco, caused the death of many people and was never brought to justice. I just wonder who is playing George W.