San Francisco Comedy Competition – Round 1, Day 2

The Lord giveth and he taketh away could define my first two nights of the competition.  After a good first night last night I made the mistake of not missing last night’s gig.  First off it was a 3 hour drive to the Indian Casino we performed at, or 4 1/2 hours with the traffic we encountered.  I probably would have had a more productive evening if we had driven off into a ditch for a few hours while I soiled myself. 

FYI – my fellow competitor and carpooler is Dartanion London, making us the most elegantly named pair of comics in the history of comedy outside of the Renaissance.

Well last night I got consistent “ohhhhhhhs” for my apparently edgy material.  Edgy if you live in 100% white, over-sensitive, under educated areas of California with Indian Casinos. I never approached the material that usually gets legitimate “ohhhhs,” but apparently last night I pushed the envelope in the wrong direction. 

We get to drop our lowest performance, so hopefully last night will be forgotten by me and the judges the way God forgot this part of California. 

Tonight is the third night and we are at the Napa Valley Opera House.  Because it is only an hour outside of a place with educated human beings I expect to have a better showing.  “This is like that movie Sideways…” HAHAHAHAHA