Republican National Convention – Day 4

It’s not his fault, but John McCain is visually jarring.

I am not sure if it s the incredibly creepy smile. I know his arm movement is a little freaky looking, but there is something unnerving to me about John McCain.

The last day of the Republican Convention turned out to be the most boring. I kept wondering why the delegates kept chanting USA like they were at an Olympic sporting event, but it turned out to be their way of drowning out the sound of protest.

I did enjoy when McCain gave shout out to his mother and she stood up really quickly, either because she was eager to be praised or to prove how spry she was, sort of like Jack Palance doing pushups at the Oscars after he won for City Slickers.

The official count on “My Friends” was 9 (I am counting one “Dear Friends” as having the spirit of “My Friends”). I was off by about 500 in my prediction for how many times he would say it. What a maverick! (or as one sign said Mavrick – if on national television, try to spell correctly).

And then something happened that has not happened during either convention – I started to fall asleep. McCain’s speech was so f-ing boring. They say Obama was short on policy, but other than vowing to veto pork barrel spending and to wage a vague fight on everything, I am not sure what McCain presented. His job was to reach out to moderates I guess, but it did not seem to mesh with the rest of the convention.

My summary of the Republican Convention is simple: Despite being in power for 8 years and controlling the Supreme Court they have been victimized by the liberals who control Washington and it is time for them to take back power. So the choice is now clear: Untested Oratory vs. Delusional Martyrdom – so get out there and vote!