Random Thoughts

Someone forwarded me an article about a woman who is selling her virginity at the Bunny Ranch in Reno, Nevada to the highest bidder. That is sort of a dicey proposition if you take pride in cherry popping because based on this girl’s self worth there is a 50/50 chance her father has already actually secured the prize at a bargain price of free. The girl, who was apparently featured very briefly on CNN, believes that this is something very empowering. Move over Hillary fans – you have a new hero. Why do

I have seen an ad for a new movie called Lakeview Terrace, and by new movie I mean an un-credited remake of Unlawful Entry. I used the to think it actually took a generational change to make the previous generation feel obsolete. Now it happens every decade. It happens when I hear Guns N Roses on classic rock stations and when I see movies like Lakeview Terrace being made. Are they not aware that anyone 24 or older could have seen the original and will not be duped into seeing a shi-ty remake of a shi-ty original? The answer is that they are aware but don’t care. My family would gripe when they would see a movie and say oh that’s just like ____film from 30 years ago. Now I am expecting to see a movie next week and say I can’t believe they remade Norbit already!

The Yankees are really bad and if they played a sport other than baseball I would probably care a lot more.

I am going to and from Boston for a 5 minute spot on Sunday. That will give me 8 hours of travel for a 5 minute spot – a ratio of what-the-fu-k-am-I-doing-this-for, which is still shy of the 14 hours of travel I did to Los Angeles (round trip in 24 hours) for a 7 minute spot at the Laugh Factory, which was the ratio of please-kill-me.

There is a crazy man in skinny jeans who shouts obscenities and stands with a cane a block from my office. He was in McDonald’s when I went in there. He was standing eating some food and a woman asked him how he was doing today, which meant have you taken your medication today because she seemed to know him. He said ok and they had a pleasant 30 second conversation. It impressed upon me how sometimes lonely or crazy people are still in need of some kindness and can appreciate it. Then I kicked him in the leg and stole his meds because I need some entertainment at lunch tomorrow.