With Todd the Hedge Fund Douchebag Out Of Work What Will The Women of New York City Do?

One of my jokes becomes reality.

As a preface to this posting I must offer you two of my jokes, one written a couple of months ago, the other written last night:

  1. With all the investment bankers losing their job why isn’t anyone concerned about the problems this will cause escorts, whores and coke dealers?
  2. With investment bankers no longer masters of the universe who is going to step into the role of men who shame women and make them jaded while simultaneously raising the women’s expectations of what material possessions they deserve from future boyfriends?

Now I was just writing out some ideas that I thought relevant in these tough economic times.  Low and behold the following article in today’s New York Times, “It’s the economy, girlfriend.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/nyregion/28daba.html?_r=1

This article focuses on a new support group that has sprung up from the bowels of Manhattan’s most shallow and vulgar group called “Dating a Banker Anonymous”.  This is not a joke.  Once again, my oft used quote of Oscar Wilde – “life imitates art.”

The group consists of women supporting each other while their formerly aggressive arrogant douche bag boyfriends become more depressed and less cool because they no longer define themselves as Christian Bale-American Psycho wannabes.  I am not even sure how to make a funnier joke than the reality of this situation.  These women actually think they have a problem (which they do, but it relates to their fathers’ neglect and their soulless existence, not to their wallet-with-a-cock they call a boyfriend).  One woman said that her boyfriend had not asked about her day in three weeks because he was so obsessed with the market.  He probably had not asked about her day in three years, but now that the money faucet is running dry these things get noticed more.  They even have a blog where they offer supportive advice to women who have broken up with the FBFs (Financial-guy Boyfriends as they so intelligently call their men – (why FBFs – shouldn’t it be FGB or FB? and why is the “guy” thrown in there – anybody have a female boyfriend – ahhhh the elite of Manhattan indeed).  One such piece of advice was: “Remember they are just math-club nerds.”  Wow – for a second I thought these woman loved the guys for who they were.  Awwww – how sad.

This article is funnier than any joke I can write so I encourage you to read it.