Political Entertainment

What if Vince McMahon were the DNC Chairman?

Now that the Democratic Party has chosen J-L Cauvin with a tan and anorexia over an older Rebecca DeMornay I would like to see some things happen.

First, Obama must bring Hillary’s supporters over and not lose them to the Crypt Keeper, John “My Friends” McCain. Looking at John McCain reminds me of Quint in Jaws, when he is describing looking into a shark’s eyes. “He had doll’s eyes-” meaning no white in them – very scary. John McCain has these same eyes to me.

One way for Obama to NOT bring Hillary’s supporters is the following:

ME : Hey Mom, are you finally ready for CHANGE?

Mom: Yes – I am seriously changing all my policies and pension to your brother. Keep it up.

So Obama – change may come slowly over the next few months for Hillary supporters.

As an aside I already know that if Obama wins in November, his re-election theme in 2012 will be: “Once you go Barack, you don’t go back.”

I am really looking forward to the Democratic Convention in Denver this August, mainly because I want it to turn into a WWE melee.

I imagine Hillary and Bill speaking, giving ringing endorsements of Obama that bring their supporters fully into Obama’s camp. Then (especially if Hillary is VP), on the final night after Obama’s acceptance speech, while the two Clintons and Obamas are on stage together, the lights suddenly go dark. The score from An Inconvenient Truth starts playing and Al Gore walks onto the stage. The announcer is going crazy, “My Gawd it’s Al Gore!” And then Gore goes to shake Obama’s hand, but at the last second hits him with a haymaker and hits Michelle with a chair. The Clintons look at each other seemingly shocked, but then start kicking the Obamas while they are gone. As the screen fades to black you hear the announcer screaming, “My Gawd, it’s Gore-Clinton in ’08”

Not good politics, but would be entertaining.

But seriously, if John McCain wins the election I will probably have to leave the country, the way Peter Venkman slowly creeps out of the Ghostbusters firehouse when Walter Peck shuts down the containment unit. I do not want to be here for the end of the world.

Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria.