Next on Maury Povich…

John Edwards… you are NOT the father!!!

This has not been a good political season for me. First Barack Obama turns into Harvey “Two Face” Dent, where his message of hope is more important and more meaningful that the man himself. Then, the man who I would have voted for had he still been on the NY primary ballot when I voted, John Edwards, turns out to have had an affair. Granted, it was while his wife was in remission for cancer, so it could have been worse – you know like if he was banging his wife’s oncologist while she was giving her the diagnosis – that would have been worse.

It just further brings me down in thinking that all politicians share the same arrogant scumbag gene. Don’t get me wrong I think people are inherently selfish and that politicians who think they are untouchable or athletes who juice up are actually just more courageous narcissists compared with average selfish prick who obeys mores and rules only because he is afraid to get caught. I know and have met a lot of bad people who love it when they see a priest accused of abuse or a politician caught with a prostitute despite prosecuting prostitutes or an athlete using banned substances, not because it is what the person deserves, but because deep down, in places they don’t talk about at birthday parties, they feel better about themselves because their choices and selfishness seem more reasonable and ok. If role models or moral guideposts fail then why do I need to do any better? If the messenger has a morally good, but inconvenient message, it seems like lots of people can’t wait to see the messenger fail and thereby destroy the message with him or her. If a priest abuses a kid, does it mean that Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness is any less useful or good? If Eliot Spitzer rides a 22 year old JAP from Jersey bareback does that mean that prostitution is no longer a social ill? Because Lance Armstrong probably had more drugs than blood coursing through his veins does that make his message to Cancer survivors any less important?

But I liked John Edwards, and I guess still do, but I suppose he’s just another seemingly good guy who turns out to be full of sh-t to some degree.

I would just like to see John Edwards on the Maury Povich show debating paternity:

John E: Maury, before the results come out I would just like to say that I have learned from my mistakes and believe that we still live in a divided America, two Americas if you will, and that I will resume my work of fighting poverty, no matter what the result of the test.

Maury: Ok – thank you. Are you ready?

John (thoughtfully squinting and pursing his lips): yes Maury

Maury: John Edwards, you are NOT the father.

John: Yes!! Yes!! That’s right bitch!! I am not the father – there are two Americas… and you are not getting child support in either one!!!! I told you I told you!!!!

That would make for some great television.