My first career Kanye moment. Sort of.

So after the Olympics and the conventions ended there was a momentary void before the kick off of the football season and the fall television lineups. With a stroke of marketing genius/luck I was on NESN (Direct TV channel 434 I believe) last night at 1130. So anyone who felt that there was no more major programming of national importance obviously did not search the deep recesses of Direct TV’s lineup.

Last night I was out on a date and I realized that I had the most Kanye/Puff Daddy/Other brash, arrogant black celebrity moment of my life. I actually took my date to a bar to watch me perform comedy. I had hoped it could be much smoother. Here is what I wanted to happen:

Following a secretly placed call to a crowded and popular bar, Channel 434 is on with full volume as I walk in. I act surprised and go, oh yeah I’m on television tonight, oh well, no big deal. People stop and gawk at the celebrity in their midst. I am carried away on the shoulders of newly acquired, adoring fans.

What really happened: “Hey bartender can you please put on Direct TV channel 434. I am going to be on it, seriously. Come on there’s no one here. YES – great.” Then I watch the set with a moderately amused date and a moderately amused bartender. Then I see that my favorite joke did not make the cut to the segment on TV. I leave having paid for two drinks each and leaving a $20 tip for the bartender being nice and playing the show with volume. In other words, even when I am the show I am paying a $20 cover and 2 drink minimum. Maybe when I get my own sitcom I can still be forced to bring 10 friends to get on the studio lot.

Next big thing – Funniest Lawyer Contest at the end of the month and next month the CD/DVD that will revolutionize stand up comedy in my family will be recorded.