My Week Without a Cell Phone

Time to reevaluate friends.

For the last week I have been without a cell phone. My Krazr – named as a hybrid of the words “Krap” and “Razor” broke down. So for the last week I have had to check my voicemails from a land line – namely my work phone (my girlfriend and I are very young and NY and do not have a land line). What I learned is that almost no one calls me. Or at least calls me to leave mesages.

I also learned that Murphy’s Law pertains strongly to cell phones. I met two friends for dinner last night. I was worried about being late so I was there at 8 pm sharp. No one arrived until 8:35 pm. If I had had a cell phone I am sure no one would have been delayed, but of course, because I was meeting people without a phone I looked like a bouncer for the restaurant for 35 minutes.

So my replacement phone is supposed to arrive today or Monday, but all my numbers have been erased which means I know have to re-enter the numbers I know and ask for the numbers I do not have. However, this presents an interesting opportunity to purge people from my techno-world and for others to likewise purge me from theirs. Sort of like breaking up by two people never calling or seeing each other again until both realize, “Hey, I guess we’re not doing this anymore.” However, there is that need to keep some numbers in the phone for the purpose of knowing NOT to pick up the phone. This is the conversation no one wants to have:


“Hey, it’s _____. What’s going on?”

“Fu-k – it’s you.”

So that said if you have given me your number in the past please send it to my e-mail. I’m just not telling which one you are.

And on some other thoughts – I am looking forward to the finale of Last Comic Standing. I was sad to see Amy Schumer go because it is always nice to see friendly people you know doing well on television. However, from the beginning I have believed Jon Reep was the best one. I have not understood the fascination with LaVell Crawford except for three things:

1) People like parades and he looks like a float.

2) He is fat and people enjoy laughing at him.

3) White guilt still persists in 2007, even in comedy.

Beyond that Jon Reep is more polished, easier to understand and has a clearly defined persona that does not revolve around Type II diabetes.

So unlike the real thing, in this Civil War of Comedy I am rooting for the southern white man to defeat the southern black man.

Come to my show Monday night at Gotham. That’s my last thought.