Money Maker

If the Dark Knight had a Celine Dion theme song it might have a chance to break Titanic’s record.

After only 10 days, the Dark Knight is already halfway towards the total gross of Titanic ($12 tickets I’m sure help this). The New York Times cited the brilliant marketing, especially of Heath Ledger’s performance, as generating a lot of the frenzy for the film. It was a great performance although I am not sure the Joker necessarily had to have tardive dyskinesia, but great work anyway.

This week, Christian Bale punched his mom and sister (or something like that – I missed the full report in US Weekly). Voila – more publicity, more money.

I anticipate a bestiality charge against Michael Caine this week. I will try to employ all three of these promotional techniques right after my 2nd CD is finished.

But there is obviously going to be a third Batman film in this series. I just want to know how they are going to convince Morgan Freeman to kill himself. If people want to see the guy who played Enis (for humor I always pronounced the character’s name with a hard e – pun intended) in Brokeback Mountain, then there will be an even greater desire to see Freeman’s last performance. My guess is that his final performance will be filled with warmth and giving sonorously good advice to a bunch of white people.

For the record The Dark Knight is the best movie of the year so far. Sorry Sex and the City.