Mad Men

A marathon this weekend and the theme for the RNC

So this weekend I watched the entire first season of Mad Men (and the 2nd season pilot). If anyone wants to know why PUMAs exist (Party Unite My Ass – the Hillary supporters) just watch this show. Taking place in a male dominated ad agency in the early 1960s this show features a few things in abundance – great acting, an unconscionable amount of smoking and drinking, and sexual harassment that would make Clarence Thomas blush. It should do for men what Roots did for white people.

But now it is time for other Mad Men, namely the Republican convention. Thankfully, Hurricane Gustav did not wreak complete havoc so the Convention can go on. Tonight is Joe “The Constipated Jew” Lieberman, George W. Bush and Fred Thompson speaking. If I can stay awake I will report on it tomorrow.

Wednesday is the day I am looking forward to – when Sarah Palin, the mother of Juno (any irony that she comes from a state whose capital is Juneau and her 17 year old daughter is pregnant – a.k.a. Juno – I assume The Daily Show will be rocking this tonight, one more reason why I should write for them) speaks along with Bobby Jindal, the young Rhodes Scholar, Indian-American, Catholic conservative speaks. His speech will be for Republicans what Obama’s was in 2004. But instead of the Audacity of Hope, his speech will be entitled “You’re all going to Hell when the terrorists blow us up! of Hope.” And then there’s Rudy Giuliani. His speech will be called “9/11: Bad for America, Great For Me.”

But in a sign that America is over the Republican party, McCain will have to compete Thursday with the kickoff of the NFL season. That is what picture in picture is for I guess.