Letter From A Birmingham Comedy Club – Part 1
So yesterday was my first day in Birmingham, Alabama. Big plane to Charlotte. Tiny plane to Birmingham. I have noticed that the little planes that I am forced to take to smaller cities are always piloted by guys who look like they just left a boy band. My guess is that you have to be old and experienced to fly a big plane and that younger pilots get their wings (yeah pun) on the little planes. The problem is that the little planes are much scarier. I just envision these two bros in the cockpit high-fiving each other and talking about tag teaming chicks when they get to Birmingham while the turbulence is causing me to soil myself.
Also, even the flight attendant seems to be half-assing the small planes. The big planes usually have two women and one gay dude, to show that they care about service and style, and they are always in uniform. On little planes, like yesterday, the flight attendant was basically in sweats and a USAir t-shirt.
The club has a car service pick me up, which made me feel like quite the baller. I checked into the Courtyard where I am staying which is conveniently located about an eight minute walk from the Stardome Comedy Club. The only problem is that I have to sprint across what is basically a highway to get there.
The show last night was fantastic. I thought I had a very good, but not great set, but was truly surprised by Birmingham comedy fans. They laughed at anal sex, 9/11 analogies and even cheered for Obama, which I asked them not to. Fortunately one older woman was nice enough to balance it out by saying, “he’s stupid.” I think she was talking about Obama. I think tonight will be great (sadly I often take one night to get used to a new room).
But the venue is amazing. 425 people in stadium-style seating – and it was packed on a Tuesday night! The only drawback was that the most common look-alike for me (see my bio pie chart on my website) from people last night was Vin Diesel. And many people wanted pictures with me based solely on my height. But other than that great start to the week.
Funny future storyline here is that I will HAVE to sell at least 15 dvds/cds before I leave. I will let you know Monday if I did it.