Hillary Clinton vs. Sex and the City

In both only one black guy was ever a relevant factor in the plot.

Well, after a well fought campaign it is almost time for Hillary Clinton to concede the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama. It makes me a little sad, even though I voted for Obama because no matter what negatives you can say about Hillary she represents a woman of substance and intelligence who represents a lot to a lot of women.

Many people mock the fact that the strongest support for Hillary is amongst white women over the age of 60. But a Hillary candidacy means as much to them as an Obama candidacy means to black people. Women in their 60s have seen a lot of changes in their times, but overall the change they have not seen is equality. Statistics still show that women make less than their male counterparts and often have to choose between career and family. Hillary is a woman who has done both (albeit – a tough family) and her being elected president would represent the highest level of equality with men. It almost definitely won’t happen this time around and I think it will be another generation before a woman even has a chance. But to those women who would not vote for Barack Obama I think you are targeting the wrong person. He is intelligent and represents a monumental change that has been necessitated by the awful presidency of George W. Bush. No, if women in the Hillary camp, both younger and older, want a villain that has really fu-ked up your striving for equality look no further than May 30, 2008, when Carrie Bradshaw hits theaters in the Sex and the City movie.

Chris Rock has a famous comedic sketch in which he discusses “niggas vs. black people.” Well to borrow from him: “There’s a war going on and there’s two sides. There’s Hillary and Carrie. Now I love Hillary, but the Carries have got to go.”

The series Sex and the City proves the old Oscar Wilde statement that life imitates art far more than art imitates life. Now I enjoyed the series, but since I have Y chromosome I cannot actually mold my life into the show and believe that it represents reality. It seems so many women are looking for their Mr. Big, as they like to put it. Old, wealthy, unfaithful – a true catch indeed. But he is suave, but who isn’t in an expensive suit and a Rolls Royce, except maybe for Flavor Flav. In the show the heroines are Carrie, who must be bankrolled by some trust fund because she writes a column, but somehow can afford every expensive fashion item and Samantha, who somehow has fooled women into thinking “depraved whore” is now “empowered.” These two women are rewarded respectively with Mr. Big (the man she always wanted – awwwww) and Smith, who makes Brad Pitt look like a leper.

But the other two women in the show – we cannot forget them. Charlotte, the most objectively attractive of the four, wants a family so she is rewarded with an impotent WASP and a bald Jew. And then the smartest of the four, Miranda, gets to be the least attractive of the four and married to a guy with one testicle, who from the film’s preview appears to cheat on her.

So now, at least in Manhattan and places like it (after all there is a Sex and the City tour for all the out-of-towners who want to be just like Carrie), women seem to be looking for their Mr. Big and they say things like “I want it all.” Women who look at Hillary Clinton and say I want it all I have admiration for. If Hillary Clinton said that old adage” I need a man like a fish needs a bicycle” I’d believe it. She actually has it all (except the presidency I guess). When the Sex and the City crowd says that it means I don’t need THAT man. But the Sex and the City characters (“they are so realistic, that is totally us” – how many times have you heard that line of sh-t in this city) lives consist around drinks, brunch, lunch and dick. If Hillary Clinton had lived that existence women would be a lot worse off. Ruth Bader Ginsburg did not dedicate a life fighting for gender equality so that deciding which martini to order could be the most important decision a woman makes in her day. No more than MLK Jr.’s dream had no room for rappers to pour champagne on women, even if those women were of a different race. And sadly, if the role models continue to proliferate like Carrie Bradshaw, Hillary Clinton will go from role model to folklore. “Long ago there was a woman who ran for president…”

So all those who lament the apparent loss of Hillary Clinton’s nomination, I urge you not to take it out on Barack Obama. He has energized people the same way Hillary has and he does not represent nuclear Armageddon the way John McCain does. No, if you want to avenge Hillary Clinton just don’t go see Sex and the City. Or at least don’t let your daughters. I can give you the review anyway. I will be the one straight guy in the theater rolling his eyes.