“Hi Gene!”

That about sums it up.

My friend and fellow comedian Pat Breslin has a joke that feels appropriate today. He talks about being parked behind a school bus in a shit-y car. One of the kids in the school bus gives him the middle finger. And Pat’s response is, “You know what? That kid is right – Fu-k me!”

Today I had an early morning audition for Last Comic Standing. Judging the beginning of this blog entry I think you can tell how it went. I was the second comic of the day and I got polite smiles from the producers and was told my material was good, but my delivery was rushed. The truth is they are right, but there is something so artifical about not having laughter during a joke that it becomes hard to pause and take your time the way you would normally. I did not even feel that nervous except for the fact that two of my better jokes got smiles, but not laughs. Oh well.

I did get interviewed by Bill Bellamy afterwards and he told me I was the tallest person that they ever auditioned. I replied, “Well if they change it to to Tallest Comic Standing I’m set.” Probably the best reaction I got to a joke all day.

So as I left like Superman in a bath of kryptonite I went home and changed into my Clark Kent monkey suit. At work a guy who works near me, who forgot that I go by J-L, but can phonetically read my name plate outside my office says to me “Hello Gene.” He syas that to me every day. I have been meaning to correct him because he is a nice guy. But today “Gene” feels like that kid’s middle finger in pat’s joke. You know what, that’s right, I am Gene today.