Facebook Has Taken Over

I’m not the only Cauvin on the the thing!

After watching MySpace lose ground to Facebook like Roger Federer to Rafael Nadal I have now seen Facebook’s true dominance. Not only has my sister-in-law joined in the party on Facebook, but my brother has as well.

Less than 48 hours after I told a co-worker that my brother would never join because he probably viewed social networking sites as akin to the video games he proudly shunned during his exceedingly mature existence. However, I got a friend request from my brother this afternoon.

To put it in perspective it would shock me less if my 77 year old father asked to be my friend on Facebook. He’s so old his idea of social networking is meeting people face to face.

I guess it is only a time before my brother ends up sending an update like “Henri is feeling the Olympics” or “Henri is taking a dump while his two sons are sleeping.” Seeing innane updates from him will be like finding out Shoeless Joe Jackson threw the World Series. Say it Ain’t So Henri.

OK – it’s 3:30 am on a school night – time for bed.