DC This Weekend

J-L meets J.L. and other developments

So this weekend I am heading down to DC for Mother’s Day weekend where I will spend time with not one, but three Moms (mine, my sister-in-law and my girlfriend’s). More importantly I will meet my new nephew, who bears my initials, for the first time.

I will also decide whether or not to dissuade my brother from entering a Master’s of Law program at Georgetown University, to which he was recently accepted.

I view Georgetown University Law Center, the same way the world views genocide: we have seen the tragedies and been warned and yet people continue to do nothing when a new one arises. Similarly I am wondering whether I should tell my brother to forget it or to let him experience the pain of a law center for himself.

Should be a nice weekend and I am sure I will have some mildly amusing tales and pictures to share on Monday.