Chris Benoit: WWE Hero

Translation: steroid abusing murderer

I used to watch wrestling. I enjoyed in college when I would share in Dominos pizza on a Monday night watching people like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin flex and crack jokes. For a few years I found it entertaining, like a soap opera on steroids. I am not necessarily proud of it, but hey, we all did things we regret in college.

But last night wrestling hit a new low point. Beyond steroid scandals, beyond sexism, beyond glorifying violence, and yes, beyond grown men prancing around in body oil and latex underwear. They gave a tribute to Chris Benoit, a popular wrestler in the WWE.

What’s the problem?

Chris Benoit killed his son, his wife and himself. And he was Canadian.

I am going to go out on a limb, but I think tributes should be reserved for people who:

a) Have done something worthwhile

b) Did not murder their family

I think it is sad when people feel driven to kill themselves. However, that sadness tends to disappear when they take others with them. No one is honoring the Virginia Tech gunman. No one is honoring the Columbine kids. No one is honoring Ann Coulter (sorry wishful thinking).

But then again, those guys couldn’t jump off the top rope.

Not very funny – I just think in a 25 year history of shameful and stupid behavior the WWE has hit an all-time low. Then again, there may be a report that the shooting was all staged and just sports entertainment.

Look tomorrow for my report on the finals of the Bronx DA hoops league. I know you can’t wait.