The Debate
Well there’s good news for teachers…under a Mccain-Palin administration your reward is secured in Heaven.
I watched last night’s debate and was thoroughly entertained. If the debate was the Dark Knight, then Sarah Palin was Heath Ledger, a pretty face with severely diminished brain capacity (too soon?).
First off do people not know that the candidates know that they are mic’d? Can I call you Jooooooooooe (spare me the Marge Gunderson routine Sarah – we know that you know we can hear you, you adorable governor you)? And everything was darn tootin’ and gee willikers and an assortment of things cartoon characters from the 1950s would say. I kept looking at my television thinking, “Did HD make her more attractive and dumber?”
Side note – 4 inch heels, although sexy on a date or a stripper are pushing debate decorum. But then again so is winking at the camera. If the debate was two hours I am wondering if she would have started to give the mic a hand job. Dont cha knoooooooow.
I thought Biden kept his composure very well although a few times expressions of incredulity snuck on to his face, quickly replaced by “you silly ditz” smiles.
But the gift that Sarah Palin has, is the ability to completely not answer questions asked. It was remarkable. Her handlers obviously said – if it’s about the economy say lower taxes or greed and corruption on wall street. If it is about the war talk about mavericks and victory. If it is about experience talk about Joe Six Pack and his ignorant buddies Matt Wings and Joe Pick Up Truck. And if it’s a question you don’t know the answer to just throw in an incoherent combination of all of those things and then wink.
I do get bored of the ranting and raving by people (if this were 100 or 200 years ago this country would be in year 5 of an incredibly bloody civil war over the absolute mess Bush/Cheney have perpetrated. Especially the ones who sat by in 2000 and maybe even 2004 and just bitched and did nothing until a “cool” candidate came along. Those people are assholes. But enough is enough. John McCain is experienced, but I genuinely believe he is not that bright and treats America with the same blind faith in its rightness and superiority as if it were a religion. Palin is a cute sportscaster. She should be getting hit on by a drunk Joe Namath, not sitting one old, dying heartbeat away from the presidency.
Obama is smart and reasonable and inexperienced. I will take that over John McCain’s maverick shtick. I for one still don’t even get the hullabaloo over Jeremiah Wright. God (or terrorists or Reaganomics or environmental disaster) will damn this America if McCain gets elected. If John McCain gets elected we will basically saying to the world and ourselves – “Go Fu-k Yourselves World (think Ron Burgandy’s voice)!” We have a chance to say we don’t approve of the bullsh*t that has happened over the last eight years, and fortunately, because of a faltering economy, even the selfish pricks around this country who backed Bush, not on principle but self-motivated greed, have to realize that eventually this shit comes around like that Justin Timberlake song. It’s just scary to think if we give a Bush a third term how bad it can actually get.