Ludacris and Sarah Palin Campaigning in Georgia

Life imitating my art.

My humor, both in writing and on stage has become sort of Carlin-esque, at least in its old age bitterness. As I said on stage Saturday at Gotham, technology has made everything faster, including the rate at which I become an angry old man.

From inane Facebook updates to young, unemployed people with blackberries and multiple cell phones I think the era of American dominance is fading by way of cultural, intellectual and spiritual suicide. And considering that Heath Ledger will not be in Batman 3, literal suicide as well (at least I think it was suicide).

One of my recent harangues was my disappointment that Obama needed gimmicks to defeat a candidate that he should have been able to beat solely on issues and the direction the country has gone under Republican leadership. But it was t-shirts and text messages and e-mails that helped secure the youth vote.

But now in Georgia, the run off election for the Senate seat between Jim Martin and Saxby Chambliss has produced some major figures on both sides. Sarah Palin is out campaigning for Chambliss, while the political heavyweights Ludacris, T.I. and Young Jeezy are campaigning for Jim Martin.

I made a joke on my CD about Republicans comparing the experience of Palin to Obama and I said that Dennis Rodman was more the black man equivalent to Sarah Plain, rather than Obama. But now, in an effort to mobilize the vote, we get to see Ludacris, TI and Young Jeezy at the podium. The man who proclaimed to have hos in different area codes (a fantastic rap song, but terrible campaign slogan) is now influencing, or attempting to influence the outcome of a seat in the United States Senate. Does anyone see where this is headed? The sad thing is that a man like Al Gore would not probably motivate the voters of Georgia the way the Three Hosketeers can. I have nothing against rap or acting or any form of entertainment, and I don’t even mind them performing to rally a crowd or adding some star power to an event. But when one party is calling on their VP nominee to speak (no matter how dim a bulb) and the other party has abandoned more substantive figures for mere celebrity figures to rally the masses, then we are just trading pandering to fear for pandering to fiction.


I guess it could have been worse. His last name could’ve been Fudge.

Last night I saw the movie Milk. Brilliant strategy by the studio – open up a movie on a family holiday that will be a big success with those most likely to be estranged from their families (to quote Bill Maher – I kid the gays). The movie is about Harvey Milk, the openly gay man who was elected San Francisco city supervisor and was then assassinated by a political rival.

The movie itself was a solid biopic, but I found the theater- going experience even more humorous. First, the movie was only available in three theaters (Chelsea, Village and West 60s). Not a coincidence I assume, but that would be like if Malcolm X only opened at 125th Street, Brooklyn and the South Bronx.

So the theater was about 85% gay men and the few other straight men were clutching to their significant others as if they were protective amulets.

Maybe all the men were not gay, but based on the tight clothing, 5 o’clock shadow, lisps and piercings maybe it was just like a theme opening, but instead of dressing like Star Wars characters or Harry Potter, everyone just dressed up as gay men.

I must also admit that James Franco makes quite the handsome gay man – he was the only one able to pull of the mustache, without evoking thoughts of Freddy Mercury.

Which reminds me – why is it that gay men seem to adopt the tough guy, masculine look of ten years prior.

The mustache was the hallmark of tough guys and firefighters – from Burt Reynolds we got Freddy Mercury.

The Mohawk used to be a scary punk looking thing. Now I assume you are gay if you have one.

The wife beater – the time honored top for ginzos and guidos. Now in the summer it might as well be called a domestic partner slapper.

So I assume in the next 5 years, gay men will be sporting baggy jeans and Fubu jackets.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Pop Culture Update

Chinese Democracy and Diamond Maker: the 2 most anticipated records of the year. To me.

So now that it is Winter I am into my yearly tradition of living at movie theaters. This week I saw Quantum of Solace, (so-so), JCVD (humorous and not bad), and Slumdog Millionaire (very good).

My favorite moments were during Slumdog Millionaire, but not because of the film. It was the guy who decided to sit right next to me in an empty row of seats. I responded with lots of passive aggressive huffs and puffs because like 99% of the population I am too big a pu-sy to say, “ARE YOU FU-KING KIDDING ME? Stop sitting next to me you socially awkward fu-k!” Second thing was the couple behind me was arguing. Here is how that went:

Annoying Woman: I can’t believe you said that. You said I was girl next door hot, but not unattainable hot.

Dumb Guy: So, that’s nice.

AW: No, you really know hoto make me feel good. You never say anything nice to me. That’s great.

DG: Well I just took you out for a nice dinner.

AW: Seriously, that is nothing. That is to be expected.

She then offered 2 hours on non stop NY liberal condescension for all the poor Indian children on screen with a barrage of very vocal “awwwws” and “they’re such survivors”. Had she not been with her boyfriend I would have told her to shut the fu-k up, but I did not want her boyfriend to feel obligated to step in for her because getting beat up for a shit-y woman would be really sad.

Next up is the movie Bolt – the animated movie about a dog who thinks he is a superhero. If any adults wonder why there is a 29 year old 6’7″ dude watching it I will just mumble – I thought this was about the Jamaican sprinter – weird!

And I just got my copy of Chinese Democracy – the album 17 years in the making by Axl Rose and a bunch of people posing as Guns N Roses. I have informed Axl Rose that on December 17th the album 29 years in the making, Diamond Maker is coming out. He told me to fu-k off and that his next album would come out in 2038 to trump mine.

AC/DC in Concert

Why is Mr. Burns playing lead guitar?

Last night I went to see AC/DC in concert. The audience largely resembled the crowd in the back of the bar in The Accused: mostly aggressive, dirty and loud white guys.

The show began with a soft core pornographic cartoon right into the new hit song “Rock N Roll Train” (as a friend pointed out to me about 2/3 of AC/DC songs have the word Rock in them and 4/5 of all their songs sound the same (I’m still a big fan, but got to admit the truth).

I realized quickly that unless I know an AC/DC song by heart I have no fu-king idea what lead singer Brian Johnson is saying (if the Grammies ever come out with the “Male Lead Vocal Battling Constipation Issues While Singing” I expect Brian Johnson to beat out Bruce Springsteen and Michael Bolton for the win.

Some other highlights:

– Seeing an arena filled with mostly guys who probably use the words “fag” and “gay” as often as they say “fu-k yeah” chant for Angus Young, the diminutive guitarist with Jimmy Hendrix’ fingers and Montgomery Burns’ body, to strip off his clothes.

– During Whole Lotta Rosie, a tribute to voluptuous women, a 60 foot inflated blonde emerged tapping her foot to the beat of the song and masturbating vigorously. And her nipple is also exposed. Only rock n roll can get away with that.

– I saw a row behind me at one point a mother with her teenage son, who had Down’s syndrome. I could make a mean joke about the simplicity of AC/DC’s songs right now, but I actually thought it was just a nice thing to see the concert providing enjoyment for all. Then I started laughing at the thought of the Mom trying to explain the 60 foot inflatable slut to her son.

In other comedy news I will be in Bethesda this Saturday – woo hoo. I also learned two days ago that a comic has been using one of my jokes a pick up line for girls in bars. He assured me that he has not used the joke on stage, but I feel like Steve Martin in Roxanne writing material for Rick Rossovich. Ladies you should really cite check your suitor’s witty lines.

What Obama’s Election Means To Me


Immediately after Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency I read The Audacity of Hope. I knew that I was going to vote for him and that he had a real chance. The book meant so much to me racially, religiously, etc. – I felt a real connection to the story and philosophies that Obama wrote. That is why when I felt he was backtracking on issues after he beat Hillary I felt particularly betrayed. However, as he became more tested throughout the campaign and to elaborate more on issues he reassured me and I felt very happy to cast my vote for him. Before it became fashionable and even before most black people had joined his campaign I called it and it feels good to know that the people who told me that America would not elect a black man are dead wrong.


Just seeing his first press conference it was inspiring to see someone who exudes presidential qualities versus Incurious George’s last eight years. It gives me confidence (not that a President Hillary would not have done that) that I have not had since Bill was in the White House. I did not like it when Michelle Obama made her comment about being proud of America for the first time, but I sort of understand because I can say that I have never been prouder of America and to be an American.


This is probably where I feel the most pride. Obama endured all the issues that people of mixed race, especially half-white, half-black deal with: he endured fears of white people that his blackness would be an issue, he endured black people questions his black credentials because he did not have the typical African-American experience. It was only until Obama won Iowa that black people really began to support him. But what I take the most pride in Obama has never made an issue of race and for good reason. He is half white and was raised by relatives on his white side. I have to believe that he understands that his skin color and features place him as a member of the African-American community in America, but to call himself a black candidate would be to exclude half of himself. Throughout my life I have endured similar things. Whether it was being the only kid with pigment on my Church basketball team, to being questioned by whites and blacks on my blackness I have always maintained that I am half white, half black. I am both, not just one. I feel that people can make Obama what they want him to be, but I think his refusal to address himself as a candidate of one race is what I admire most.


Are you kidding me? Not only do I have 10 minutes of Obama material already, but it is also my best impression since Owen Wilson. Fred Armisen’s days are numbered… Just last night two more people yelled OBAMA as I walked by.

Barber Shop 3

Starring Me and Joe the RacistYesterday evening I went to get my haircut at the barber in my office building. My barber Steve, actually went to my CD recording and told me how awesome it was, by recalling a few of my jokes. That was cool except for one problem: his favorite joke of mine was not actually mine, but belonged to one of my friends. Sort of like when the priest in Amadeus tells Salieri that he loves his song only to find out that the song is Mozart’s.

And the comparison to Mozart is appropriate because the guy sitting in the other barber chair definitely had 18th century views on race – meet Joe The Racist.

As I am sitting I hear JTR start talking about Obama and how he is a socialist and a liar, but with that arbitrary hatred that heretofore had been reserved only for Hillary Clinton. He kept talking about how John McCain was not going to raise taxes and was honest and that Obama was a liar who was going to spread the wealth. He then said that McCain and Clinton are pretty much the same and that he would prefer Clinton to Obama. Here is the conversation that ensued:

J-L: Obama’s the man.

JTP: (taking the bait) Obama is a liar. You know how you know Obama’s lying? When he open his mouth (clearly some shi-ty Sean Hannity-type joke).

J-L: I guess when John McCain called Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson agents of intolerance and then began courting their support and the support of the far right he wasn’t lying or backtracking.

JTP: No he was pandering, not lying. Obama panders and lies and hangs around with people who want to blow up the country and hate America, like William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.

J-L: So when Pat Robertson blamed 9/11 on gays that was tolerant pro-America talk?

JTR: He apologized for that. Jeremiah Wright never apologized for saying God Damn America.

J-L: Nor should he (this is where things got good).

JTR: Cocksucking motherfu-ker!! You don’t like America then leave. (speaking about me and Jeremiah Wright I believe).

J-L (trying to follow the coolness of Obama, which I do not have): Why should he apologize for exercising free speech about a country that has not been too friendly to African-Americans.

JTR: Oh please – this whole reparations issue (????) for stuff that happened like 200 years ago. Bad stuff happened to my family. Hell, bad stuff happened to me 10 years ago – do I get a cash handout?

J-L: 400 years of slavery, 100 more years of institutionalized racism – we needed the Civil Rights Act less than 50 years ago to ensure fair treatment, but yeah that’s about the same as whatever beef you had in your life I’m sure.

JTR: White guy growing up in a black neighborhood, I never dealt with intolerance or racism.

(fortunately like Obama I had a blonde white woman in my life for a year and a half who peppered me with very similar arguments, which helped me keep my cool when the real deal happened)

J-L: growing up with a black Dad and a white Mom I have seen and heard discrimination. Maybe that’s why I like Obama.

JTR: Well he’s a socialist and he’s friends with terrorists. And there’s going to be rioting either way probably. They will riot if he wins or they will riot if he loses because they’re pissed. Maybe not in Manhattan, but definitely in places like Detroit and Chicago.

J-L: I am going to steal candy on November 5th if he loses as my looting.

Haircuts finished.

JTR: If Obama gets elected, we’re 5-10 years from a Civil War. Maybe not like 1865, but there will be blood in the streets for sure.

J-L: That’s funny. I’d be more worried about the rednecks in the deep south’s reaction when they have a black president.

Then JTR looks at me and then takes a visibly closer look and says: YOU have had issues with racism (you know cause I don’t look very black).

J-L: Judging books by covers is always a good life plan buddy.

JTR: I judge people by their actions and who they hang out with.

J-L (channeling my inner Obama cool): Well, I just got a haircut from a nice barber in a nice barber shop so I guess I’m alright.

Then leaving I stuck my head back in the door and said: November 4th – Change is Coming!

Don’t make me a liar Barack. And if you win be fu-king careful.

6 Days Until History

And about 4-6 years until major scandal.

Six days from the election and it appears only three things can stop Obama: disclosure that he has had sex with boys, disclosure that he has some fatal disease that he is keeping form the media or an unbelievable outpouring of latent racism. I am not saying that if you don’t vote for Obama you are a racist. I am just saying that if you vote for McCain INSTEAD of Obama, you probably have issues with race.

What is also shaping up to be interesting is if the Democrats get big majorities in both the Senate and the House, with Nancy Pelosi starring in Under Armor commercials screaming: WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE!! (old commercial which I am guessing males between the ages of 23 and 40 can remember).

Not to side with McCain, but this consolidation of power is what worries me. I think that we are at a point where the verdict has been in for some time: power in Washington corrupts absolutely. Just look at the parallels:

George W. Bush

-comes into power partly due to unprecedented numbers of newer or often ignored voters – Evangelicals. Many other people ignore issues and vote based on personality and liking W more than Al Gore

– Bush is given a strong Republican congress for several years and all hell breaks loose

-scandal ensues – gay bashers are found tap dancing in airport bathrooms, bribes accepted by geezer in Alaska, widespread corruption, cats and dogs living together – mass hysteria.

Now – Obama has already brought in a similar fringe group to politics – “young voters”. I have already made may case against this energized group of sh*theads (not the 18-20 year olds who may have voted in 2004, but certainly the 22-28 year olds who didn’t). The pattern is the same except in place of religious zeal Obama has accepted ignorant, trend-conscious narcissists who obey “what’s cool” as fervently as other worship Christ. Anyone reading this knows at least someone who is a dumb f–k who is voting for Obama because it’s the cool thing to do. I was mocked by several such people when I bought an Obama t shirt more than a year ago. Now some of those same people are members of Facebook groups throwing their symbolic support behind Obama.

I had compared Obama to Harvey Dent from the Dark Knight this Summer when I felt he was being two faced on several things. But Obama has a bigger dilemma and that is the quote from the Dark Knight (the movie is deep for a Batman movie) – “you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” This is the dilemma Obama will face with many people in this country, both his supporters and detractors. If things don’t get better in the first two years under Obama he will have a choice – sell out to his opponents and fickle supporters and play the Washington game getting little done and try to get re-elected or he can take the risk of being a one term president and do what needs to be done for this country.

That said, if the Democrats consolidate power in the numbers they are projecting – expect scandal galore by 2012-2014. However, I will take blow job hush money scandals over debt, death and hypocritical scandals that the Republican power brought.

Scary Stuff

Saw 5, Facebook Updates and (some) First Time Voters

Today, the fifth installment of the Saw franchise opens up. Granted, the main villain has been dead for two films, but continues to wreak havoc. These movies are for horror fans who thought Friday the 13th just had too much plot development and not enough gore. Speaking of which, is anyone watching the show Fringe on Fox? I am enjoying it (although I am starting to learn that I like any show I watch in HD, is it the show or the HD-ness?). But this show Fringe – incredibly violent – they showed some woman’s head explode into a bloody mess. But some how a female nipple will still not pass the censors. I am not one of these ultra “liberated” minds that thinks sex should be everywhere, I just would like to see some more consistency that does not treat a tit shot as more vulgar than a guy’s jaw falling off of his face in a pile of puss and blood (more Fringe scenes).

I think we as a country are entering a very dangerous time of unprecedented narcissism. The explosion of Facebook demonstrates that. Now I am on Facebook and review every movie and book I read and try to update my “status” once every few days with something witty. But like MySpace, my main purpose through these sites is part friendship, part marketing of my comedy. Now this may make me a hypocrite, but I admit that I have an arrogance and a self-absorption that goes with putting your life on stage every night. But I am supposed to be at the extreme of arrogance with the IBankers, African-American wide receivers in football and serial killers. But now that has become mainstream. I appreciate it when people update their page with something funny. But when people put things like:

“Jim is thinking”

“Mary is working out”

“Mike is wondering what groceries to buy.”

it makes me want to kill the internet. I think it is emblematic of where we are going as a people though. We are becoming the masters of the universe without the benefit of accomplishing or creating anything. Instead of heliocentric we are becoming a society that revolves around ourselves. We join groups that mean nothing “1,000,000 against Sarah Palin” – oooooo I bet she’s terrified. But I am still more impressed by a woman in her 40s who sh-t out 5 kids, looks like that and is the governor of an American oil outpost. It certainly beats the thousands of women and men who have joined the “Save Darfur” group, which may have 500,000 members, but has raised about $800 in money.

I know plenty of secularists and atheists who are unselfish people who just think religion is not the right way to solving problems, but still recognize that society or something unknown is bigger than the individual. The most dangerous people and where I think our society is headed is towards the people who believe in nothing but their own importance.

Unfortunately Barack Obama had to play this game to galvanize the young voters in this country to vote. He is an engaging charismatic candidate and in marketing terms, he is a great product. But it took him plus gimmicks like Facebook pages, text messages and e-mail promises of an early glimpse at his VP choice to get the young people really excited. I think anyone who was eligible to vote in 2004 and did not, but is voting this time should be ashamed of themselves. George Bush was already fu-king this country good and hard in 2004, but not until 2008 when a celebrity candidate (I like him and have seen some of my concerns and problems erode in the last few months wit Obama) emerged did young people get truly involved. The idealist in me says, well now they have been brought in to the process and will stay -great for Democracy and this country. But the cynic in me, which is usually right, tells me that these are the people that don’t read papers unless they are free and take 2 minutes to read by the subway, people who update Facebook when they are taking a sh-t and that “can’t live without their DVR or blackberry” says that these people cannot be trusted with our future. Just as scary as a religious nut may be frightening, so is this “energized” voting bloc. The only thing is that the nuts have been invested in their cause a lot longer. At least that commitment is commendable.

Thanks everybody.

Second CD, but first in my heart

Nothing much to say except thanks to everyone who came out and helped out with the show last night.

I think it was a big success for the following reasons:

1) My set was just under an hour so I know that it was a tight set.

2)Out of an 11 page script (so to speak) I forgot only three jokes.

3) I will be able to put a parental advisory sticker on this CD.

CD/DVD release probably in January along with a revamped website. See you in 2009.

The Last Temptation of Joe The Plumber

Debate #3

Well, now the only Joe not mentioned in this campaign has been Joe Millionaire (who I hear will be endorsing a candidate any day). First there was Joe “Judas” Lieberman, then there was Joe Six Pack and last night 45 minutes of the debate were spent trying to appeal to Joe The Plumber.

This last debate reminded me of the first Rocky film and not just because there was an articulate black man and a dumb white guy involved. This was the fight Apollo needed to fight – the better, classier fighter needed to stay away from Balboa. But he ignored his managers advice and got clobbered by Balboa (even though Apollo “won,” Rocky really won and would take the title in the next 14 films).

Unfortunately Obama employed that strategy too well. I think he acted exactly as he should have, but it bored me. Instead of going for the knockout Obama is content to win debates on point count. For example do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be president, the answer is, “I don’t think she’s qualified to babysit my kids, let alone lead the most powerful country in the world.”

Or throw in snide comments about John McCain “forgetting” things. And when McCain started referring to pro abortion people, Obama should have been more forceful in saying that it is pro choice, not pro abortion, unless my Facebook group “Comedians who don’t care about choice but are definitely pro abortion” has a lot more members than I thought.

Well, last night my Obama-Biden t-shirt arrived. Let’s hope I don’t have to put it with my Gore-Lieberman and Kerry-Edwards t shirts in a couple of weeks.

And if you want to throw your support behind a charismatic, articulate, half-black guy, but cannot wait until Election Day – COME TO MY CD RECORDING THIS SATURDAY