6 Days Until History

And about 4-6 years until major scandal.

Six days from the election and it appears only three things can stop Obama: disclosure that he has had sex with boys, disclosure that he has some fatal disease that he is keeping form the media or an unbelievable outpouring of latent racism. I am not saying that if you don’t vote for Obama you are a racist. I am just saying that if you vote for McCain INSTEAD of Obama, you probably have issues with race.

What is also shaping up to be interesting is if the Democrats get big majorities in both the Senate and the House, with Nancy Pelosi starring in Under Armor commercials screaming: WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE!! (old commercial which I am guessing males between the ages of 23 and 40 can remember).

Not to side with McCain, but this consolidation of power is what worries me. I think that we are at a point where the verdict has been in for some time: power in Washington corrupts absolutely. Just look at the parallels:

George W. Bush

-comes into power partly due to unprecedented numbers of newer or often ignored voters – Evangelicals. Many other people ignore issues and vote based on personality and liking W more than Al Gore

– Bush is given a strong Republican congress for several years and all hell breaks loose

-scandal ensues – gay bashers are found tap dancing in airport bathrooms, bribes accepted by geezer in Alaska, widespread corruption, cats and dogs living together – mass hysteria.

Now – Obama has already brought in a similar fringe group to politics – “young voters”. I have already made may case against this energized group of sh*theads (not the 18-20 year olds who may have voted in 2004, but certainly the 22-28 year olds who didn’t). The pattern is the same except in place of religious zeal Obama has accepted ignorant, trend-conscious narcissists who obey “what’s cool” as fervently as other worship Christ. Anyone reading this knows at least someone who is a dumb f–k who is voting for Obama because it’s the cool thing to do. I was mocked by several such people when I bought an Obama t shirt more than a year ago. Now some of those same people are members of Facebook groups throwing their symbolic support behind Obama.

I had compared Obama to Harvey Dent from the Dark Knight this Summer when I felt he was being two faced on several things. But Obama has a bigger dilemma and that is the quote from the Dark Knight (the movie is deep for a Batman movie) – “you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” This is the dilemma Obama will face with many people in this country, both his supporters and detractors. If things don’t get better in the first two years under Obama he will have a choice – sell out to his opponents and fickle supporters and play the Washington game getting little done and try to get re-elected or he can take the risk of being a one term president and do what needs to be done for this country.

That said, if the Democrats consolidate power in the numbers they are projecting – expect scandal galore by 2012-2014. However, I will take blow job hush money scandals over debt, death and hypocritical scandals that the Republican power brought.